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Hero's Of Thl.....

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electricity ya daft c**t lol

2 young lads from our village, one is a member on here. Well one day when they were about 5/6 making me around 10/11, they were swinging on steel railings, the ones with spikes on the top that ran alo

O.k ,picture the scene , burning building ,third floor ,two badly burnt unconscious men ,my mate picks one up ,over his shoulder and slowly carries him down a burning staircase ,taking care to protect

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I once saved a baby bird that was being kicked about by two boys on our street (we were about 9/10 at the time) I ran up punched one straight in the face and then picked up the others bike and threw it at him hitting him in the face too, both then legged it, to their “mummies”, so I lobbed the bike in the middle of a bramble bush, picked up the bird and went home. About three hours later one of the lads mum appeared at our front door to yell at my dad about a new bike being owed as I’d bent the wheel or something. (Dad had been beaming with pride when I explained what I’d done. Mum yelled at me, haha) I don’t remember the conversation but it ended with the lads mum going batshit at her lad as they had conveniently left out the animal abuse and tried to make out I attacked them for no reason! I may be a hunter, but I have never stood for animal abuse nor will I ever, do the same again at 26 =)

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well just for you baw lol


was working auchinleck when young mum was getting electrocuted,didnt realise tilli walked over,realised just in time as the wee laddie (5yearold) went to his mum,he was pretty hysterical before i got there,but he went mental when this big workie grabbed him of his feet.handed the kid to a workmate,to see to his mum,but sadly she died in my arms.

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well just for you baw lol


was working auchinleck when young mum was getting electrocuted,didnt realise tilli walked over,realised just in time as the wee laddie (5yearold) went to his mum,he was pretty hysterical before i got there,but he went mental when this big workie grabbed him of his feet.handed the kid to a workmate,to see to his mum,but sadly she died in my arms.

That's f***ing sad mate. Think I can mind you mentioning it before. Poor wee tyke, well done mate :thumbs:

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Can they be work related ? I used to be a fireman and can make myself look really good on this thread

f***ing doubt it, take more than a thread to make you look good :laugh: na seriously, would love to hear your heroic tales, fireman deserve a lot of respect :thumbs: why did you get sacked? :D

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that wee laddie be 16 or 17 now.aye felt for the wee man.upside he would not remember that day.

Hope he doesn't. Take it you never seen him again? Was that what put you off working :laugh:

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Not heroic, but I saved a woman from choking in a Chinese restaurant. She had stood up, was pointing at her throat and she was wheezing and going blue. Her boyfriend was gently patting her on the back and the waiter was fanning her face with a menu. :laugh:

It was obvious no-one was going to do anything, so I went over, pushed them out of the way, put my arms round her and gave her the heimlich manouvre. The first and second squeezes did nothing, but on the third, a lump of meat came flying out of her mouth and must have flown a good 6 feet.

I've never been medically trained, but I knew she wasn't going to last long with the "treatment" she was getting. I'd read about the heimlich, and wasn't sure if I would do it right, but it had to be better than watching someone die. Turned out I must have done it O.K.


Also did i mention when I went to the hospital to have something removed from my eye? Well brave. :laugh:

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