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Most Hares Caught In One Day With One Dog, Pre Ban

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THIS HIS THE PIC OF THE DAY WITH ERN theres 15 0n the pic, 2 was from 2 days before on some diffrent ground,,,, they was [all] shot but they was flushed.. the ground were i did go was[ very green], th

Folks moaning about hares being shot and not being run by dogs, one of my permissions has been coursed and the fields driven on and because the "coursers" were so friendly when asked to leave by a las

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im no to sure of the dog,s name think it was ROLO kilt 6 outta 6 on the fen,s seen a pic of it year,s ago .a lad from lurgan owned him .

what dog you got pal do you ever come over to england and run :thumbs:


to well bred pup,s for next season as for runing in england no i can test a dog in ire no problem a question for u how long u at the coursing game.


got 2 pups they will be 1 on the 1st of september no fancy breeding just a idea i thought up myself. il be over winter time gorger will put land on if you fancy a run pal. you coming to game fair be good crack :thumbs:


You get in where fresh air doesnt


so would you if you wasnt so god dam fecking ignorant :icon_redface:

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kc hows that man a crabber he owned rolo and if i was you id be careful what you say about somebody you dont even know every body here knows who whistler is he dosent do lies so id say he seen what he posted atb

im careful of no man :thumbs:


just women :laugh:

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Hounddog the whole litter were hammered hard rolo was hunted a lot but not as much as tiny goldfish tell ya BP gve her some hammer in eng. Remember she was running them single from 8 months. Rolo was put down Big E cause he started licking himself during summer lost lota weight bri done everythg blood tested the whole lot just kept losing weight eventually losing that much weight he tried muzzles the lot dog just was weak only interested in licking himself.

you would have thought he might have kept him and bred a few pup,s of him and covered a couple a bitches with him.


would have hound dog only he jacked same as tiny and outhers


another 2 faced crabbing c u n t that hides behind another name. be a man and tell us who you are and where your from :icon_redface:


thats the man that owned rolo kc he did jack mate


im talking about tiny and others pal. it doesnt take much working out what he means and is getting at pal :thumbs:

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KC the man was only saying his dog jacked so he aint crabing just telling the truth no harm in that. :thumbs:

the dog was ill and shouldnt have been run. fact or fiction. after it jacked why did the man go to great lengths to get the dog right. fact or fiction did the man pay good money to get a chip put in the dogs neck. if the man wants to talk about his own dog not a problem but why bring tiny and others into it. i can see a little vicueis circle forming here and if any of this circle fancy a run against tiny or others drop me a pm. let the dogs do the talking :thumbs:

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I 2nd that kc lucas and tiny 6 year old come the season they be easy money I've said it million times you think uve better than them then we go out. The jeffards have tiny they've paid £1000 put chase on her. As for rolo I seen the dog numerous times he was good dog kilt plenty the dog took ill the man done all he could blood tests. Even paid get dog a chip under his skin to stop his sex drive so the man musata seen something to do all that. Its same people all time over a fall out between 2 men time to move on I think people have more concerns in there own kennels than another mans.

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Speedie what the f**k are you so worried about didn't you black ass jack and your ted dog jack not even a 2 min race FFs will you give over is it any wonder nobody want to have anything got to do with you,you should really worry about you'd pets instead of other people's dogs,

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