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With rats breeding just now a rat doe defending her young could damage a ferret , i would use a fen mk4 set 24/7 a good working ferrets to valuable to damage on scabby rats

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Fs! Owl pussy ! If ur ferrets any good it will kill them ! So let them in

You could have the best rabbiting ferret in the world doesn't mean it will be any good on rats ... A big healthy buck rat or a doe defending her young are formidable critters ........

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hi I have seen a couple of rats around my garage and have trapped them in!

I have 2 ferrets would it be advised to let the ferrets kill them ? or just shoot them with the pellet gun ?

perfect job for a good ferret and terrier

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You have seen a couple of rats, means there could be more. Rats do tag team up, as we know they are clever little natural born survivors, do not underestimate what they can do. I would not risk unnecessary damage to your ferrets, let the ferrets put meat on the table come the season :thumbs:

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I keep and breed the smaller type Ferrets and expect them to do Rabbits and Rats. I want them to have the size to comfortably fit in Rat Warrens, but also the tenacity to deal with any stubborn ones. MY honest, easiest and low hassle options would be Traps or Poison.........the 'sportsman' in me says Ferrets to bolt them and then..........

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I would put the terrier in and use it and a stick too kill them but if they are in a small gap/hole then i would use the ferrets to flush them out(as most times i've found a rat will run) and if the ferrets don't kill them first then the dog or myself will.

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