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how longs your theraband gold bandsets lasting?


got to say ive had about 400 shots through this single and it ripped on me today.


was using 8mm steel so not to heavy.



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There are a few variables you need to take into account, like the environment the rubber is stored/shot in. Temperature plays a big part in the life of rubber, so does exposure to UV light. Covering rubber in talcum powder helps protect it from some of these elements! There is also whether or not the bands were tied using a jig, and what was used to tie the pouch end with i.e rubber or waxed twine. Peoples choice in ammo will also affect band life, more so the people who shoot objects like stones which tend to nick bands and cause them to rip.


It looks like you are using a lot of rubber to tie your pouch end with, this will increase the weight of your pouch and result in less energy being transferred in the projectile. Using waxed twine will give you a much lighter pouch end, it will also lower band slaps on your hands significantly. Your pouch material looks quite thick and heavy too, if you want to improve speeds then try something lighter like Kangaroo leather.


Personally I have no idea how many shots a band set lasts me, if shooting in minus temps I've gone through a number of sets in a day. Other times I've had band sets last months. I find it too difficult to narrow down how many shots each set has fired :)


All the best.


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mine im lucky to get 300 shots ive found the band life to be shite. little niks and holes start appearing near the pouch end around 270 shots thats why im looking at tubes on my go anywhere catty wheras im gonna keep bands on my designated hunting catapult. anyone tried dankung 5080?

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