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Just got my self hw97 177 want to give it a tune whats the best kit to go for at a reasonible price and never done anything with air rifles but am good with my hands would i need any speical tools and is it easy to do


Regards hugo

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Superb quality-finished parts and at a price you cannot argue with. The top spec kit is only £47:50 inc. postage! Give Tony Wall a bell at Sandwell Field Sports and have a chat.



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Hello, Hugo.


As it happens, I've just fitted one of these very kits to Pianoman's own 97 and it's a really nice bit of kit. It came with a top hat, mainspring and a prefectly matched guide as well as the latest correctly speced piston head.


It's very good value for money, IMO, although there may be a bit of a delay because HW are currently having supply issues with their new piston heads.


Well worth the wait though.

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Hello, Hugo.


As it happens, I've just fitted one of these very kits to Pianoman's own 97 and it's a really nice bit of kit. It came with a top hat, mainspring and a prefectly matched guide as well as the latest correctly speced piston head.


It's very good value for money, IMO, although there may be a bit of a delay because HW are currently having supply issues with their new piston heads.


Well worth the wait though.

Hi Andy, having never stripped an air rifle I'd be very keen to see some pics of the SFS kit and the piston head that has been referred to a number of times. Would you mind putting up, or emailing me some pictures just out of interest?



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If you're OK with fairly basic mechanical and workshop princilpes then you should't have much problem working on a 97, or any other HW springer for that matter. They are very straight forward to work on.


Have a look on Youtube, there's plenty of tutorials that will take you through it but if you've any problems or questions then feel free to ask.


Sorry, Elliott. I didn't take any pics and it's all safe and sound inside Simon's rifle now. There's not really much to show anyway. Spring with a top hat and a very nicely matched guide and the new piston seal. And also two types of grease.

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