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Seem his video its a good laugh :D



he lives just up the road from me, was at a show selling in his words " Fair day deals, 2 mole traps for a tenner""


sounds good but when you think the wholesalers sells them to the general public for 2.99 it makes you think.

the traps he was selling then wernt fenns.


as for the dvd, its as good as his one on rabbiting. :doh:

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Seem his video its a good laugh :D



he lives just up the road from me, was at a show selling in his words " Fair day deals, 2 mole traps for a tenner""


sounds good but when you think the wholesalers sells them to the general public for 2.99 it makes you think.

the traps he was selling then wernt fenns.


as for the dvd, its as good as his one on rabbiting. :doh:


:laugh::laugh: Well,..IF you ever see this character again,..perhaps educate him that a Body Gripper (as illustrated on his website for Mink) is NOT set on its side, in the manner of a 'jump trap',.such as a Fenn or Sawyer,.. :laugh::laugh:

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I bought about 20 bodygrips of him and ive caught loads of rabbits with them ,not once did the rabbits suffer squashed skulls the lot of um,never used anything else from him my be i was lucky.



Squashed Skulls,... :hmm:


These traps must pack one hell of a punch,...sure they weren't ORIGINALS...?

Whatever,...IF they are not genuine Magnum BMI Bodygrippers or Victor ConiBears,.they are illigal to use in the UK. :rolleyes:

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Guest foxyforce1

Ive bought mole traps Bodygrips and rabbit cage traps off him,mole traps were good bodygrips were ok but the cage traps were a hit and a miss,he makes them himself,had a few rabbits bustin the doors etc

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