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Witness Protection Programme ....?

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the problem i have with it is you can be the big nasty cnut-get fingered AND so long as you are prepared to tell tales -you can save your own skin doesnt sit well with me-LIVE BY THE SWORD, DIE BY TH

good enough for the grassing b*****ds.mind your own f*****g business and there be no need to live the rest of your life in exile looking over your shoulder.f*****g hate grasses

depends on what there grassing on..........

depends on what there grassing on.......... :hmm:



What an excellent point! :hmm:


But, then, I suppose the very idea of WPP suggests that the witness is screaming about some pretty tasty people. I mean; That Paedo' who lives along the road is hardly going to come after you with heat, is he?


Grass the likes of the governmental rings? Nothing's going to protect you. Least of all their own agencies.



I'm wondering; Could this have been a Dean Koontz novel I was reading? Had a period of lapping his stuff up. I like authors who lace their stories with real facts. It's alright to say " They injected him with Sodium Pentathol to make him talk. "


Likes of Koontz would say something more like, " 3 mg of Sodium Pentathol, because of his size. " I like shit like that :yes:

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the problem i have with it is you can be the big nasty cnut-get fingered AND so long as you are prepared to tell tales -you can save your own skin :hmm: doesnt sit well with me-LIVE BY THE SWORD, DIE BY THE SWORD-we are all responsible for our actions are we not?if you had a good run then hold your hands up and take it on the chin-grow a set :yes: bad things always come back round full circle, and justice of some sort prevails in the end-so you turn super grass and lock up all your old pals :cray: and then few years down the line you find out your riddled with the big C or something nasty :yes: sooner do my bird with my head held high-than spend your days looking over your shoulder :bad: they are like rats-the best rat is a dead rat imo.atb

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Read the book or watch the film 50 dead men walking a true life account of Martin mcGartlands life ... Exactly what you are talking about ......

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they shipped one out from beside us helicopter the works to get em shifted and im sure he isnt getting the lifestyle pete discribed hes prob set up in london or manchester an back to grassing again you couldnt miss em hes a face on him like a coypu....and off coarse when he left that isnt the end of the grassing he past the baton on to one of his mates

Edited by Banter
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No! Honestly; I don't think any picture could live up to That descriptive text.


Please, leave it right there. In our minds eyes. It's glorious! :D

dont qoute me on it il have to remove it he built up a nest of rats mostly woman still operating known locally as the snitchs bitches

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depends on what there grassing on.......... :hmm:



What an excellent point! :hmm:


But, then, I suppose the very idea of WPP suggests that the witness is screaming about some pretty tasty people. I mean; That Paedo' who lives along the road is hardly going to come after you with heat, is he?


Grass the likes of the governmental rings? Nothing's going to protect you. Least of all their own agencies.



I'm wondering; Could this have been a Dean Koontz novel I was reading? Had a period of lapping his stuff up. I like authors who lace their stories with real facts. It's alright to say " They injected him with Sodium Pentathol to make him talk. "


Likes of Koontz would say something more like, " 3 mg of Sodium Pentathol, because of his size. " I like shit like that :yes:


true mate and i guess not many on here would be grassing without dishing out there own punishment first...........and then calling the police and an ambulance at the same time......... :yes:

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The thing is most in the wps are not the model citizens.they didnt grass for any moral or community reasons,most its to save thier own worthless skins.really sticks in my craw when c**ts stick others in and they do the same stuff themselfs,and in some cases much much worse.

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