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Concrete Slab Thickness?

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got my hardcore down and need to work out what thickness i can get away with for my slab, the only weight on the slab will be 3x2m of galv panels and 23kg dog


was going to do 3inches but wondering if i can do it 2-2.5?


any help appreciated ;)

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thanks for the replys, the ground was compact just took the grass off of it then put the hardcore down, the 3m square has a concrete border all the way round so i dont see it slipping/cracking away?


this is why i dont think it should need more than 3" as its not a slab being laid on its own any opinions on that :hmm: ? cheers

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compact you base with a wacker plate. put plent of cement, good mix 4 buckets of aggrigate to 1 bucket of cement ( BUILDERS BUCKET ) dont make the mix like piss, when laying the concrete tap with a level, oh screed off your wood on the sides with a 3x2 PAR give you a good finish. 1 BAG OF CEMENT WILL MAKE 2 MIXES FOR YOU. it up 2 you if you want a 4" trowel down the edge of the timber edge.

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4 to 1 mix and 100mm thick will be fine on well compacted hardcore. You don't want the frost taking the face off the concrete because it will just be a mess. Tamp well and I'd float finish it so concrete is more sealed and not so porous to soak piss and crap up. Hope this helps.

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Put 6 shovels of sand and gravel in a mixer with water put a full bag of cement into that keep it nice and wet fill the rest if the mixer with your sand and gravel. That will make you a good strong mix. On a good hardcore base that's been wacker plated u will only need 2 inch concrete atb

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