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I have some ooeg chicks that hatched monday, they are on chick crumb

i also have some goldline pullets about eight weeks old

just been offered some brioler mash is this ok to feed or is it just used for meat birds



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I am not saying its ok to use the broiler mash for chicks but what I can say is a friend has access to a steady supply of layers pellets/meal :whistling: and he feeds his birds nothing but, from day one till the day they die. Admittedly they are not game birds but they do turn out very well as adults.

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Generally speaking, the feeds supplied for Animals like Chickens are 'maintenance diets', the minimum required to keep them reasonably healthy. If you have a supply of Broiler Mash use it, as part of a BALANCED DIET, but Chick Crumbs and then Pellets have more in them to help the Chicks with digestion and growth. I personally feed much better quality feed to my Game Fowl 12 Months of the year, better than most Racing Pigeons probably have. They have fresh water EVERY DAY with occasional 'additives' and are treated for internal and external parasites every 3 Months. Broiler Mash is 'OK', but.....

Edited by Shamo
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