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The God Delusion

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The thing that puzzles me is that whilst it doesn't bother me that people believe in God/Allah/Buddha e t c and I wish them all the best and hope they find comfort in their belief .they seem to find i

It's my believe that every time you do something positive it not only adds to your own spiritual well being, but it's puts just that little bit of good back in the world that wasn't there before......

Walshie if I were you I wouldn't mind a creationist commenting, because it puts what you have been reading about in the god delusion into practice and shows the reality of how these people think/can't

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did i mention were share 50% of our DNA with bananas :whistling:


Moderators are 70% banana. :laugh:


we all evolved from the same piece of crap that found its way to this planet from god knows where :laugh:

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a great mind no doubt , and i agree with him re god , but fk me he is aggressive in his belief , the way he belittles anyone who believes or is undecided is a bit full on for me ,there doesnt seem to e any ,live and live ,you agree with him or your a dangerous idiot.


Ironically, that's how the church is towards non-believers.


He describes himself as an "atheist fundamentalist" yet, ironically, one of his great pleasures is to listen to Xmas carols......in church !

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a great mind no doubt , and i agree with him re god , but fk me he is aggressive in his belief , the way he belittles anyone who believes or is undecided is a bit full on for me ,there doesnt seem to e any ,live and live ,you agree with him or your a dangerous idiot.


Ironically, that's how the church is towards non-believers.


However, unlike the Church, he can offer explanations of why he believes he is right ! All they have is 'because the Bible says so'.

And let's be honest, most religious types these days are dangerous idiots ! :yes:

Edited by Blackbriar
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Come on, the guy is a biologist, not a theologian. . He's a smart guy with an incredible vocabulary and a great comprehension of the English language. . That's about it. I've read the book, his central argument is the old school boy question "where did God come from?" Asked in a more eloquent style of course. . Pretty simple, God didn't come from anywhere, he's not subject to time, he created time. .


Actually that book is old news now, the greatest show on earth is his latest on the subject.

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Lol come on, the guy is a biologist, not a theologian. . He's a smart guy with an incredible vocabulary and a great comprehension of the English language. . That's about it. I've read the book, his central argument is the old school boy question "where did God come from?" Asked in a more eloquent style of course. . Pretty simple, God didn't come from anywhere, he's not subject to time, he created time. .


Actually that book is old news now, the greatest show on earth is his latest on the subject.


Each to their own I guess. Might be old news, but it's new to me and I'm finding it fascinating.

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a great mind no doubt , and i agree with him re god , but fk me he is aggressive in his belief , the way he belittles anyone who believes or is undecided is a bit full on for me ,there doesnt seem to e any ,live and live ,you agree with him or your a dangerous idiot.


Ironically, that's how the church is towards non-believers.


However, unlike the Church, he can offer explanations of why he believes he is right ! All they have is 'because the Bible says so'.

And let's be honest, most religious types these days are dangerous idiots ! :yes:



This is kind of long. But it's an interesting debate.



Here is the study guide.




Edited by Mickey Finn
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A vid for Paulus! Haha.

Didnt i tell you we are 50% banana even though he says were not :laugh: its ok to be 95% ape but not 50% banana :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ive watched prometheus :whistling: That bloke doesn`t like the idea of being simular to either apes or banana`s the 2% difference = 26 million different DNA strands well wake up and smell the coffee bucko that also means 1,274,000,000 strands are the same :D lies, dam lies and statistics :laugh:

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A vid for Paulus! Haha.


Didnt i tell you we are 50% banana even though he says were not :laugh: its ok to be 95% ape but not 50% banana :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ive watched prometheus :whistling: That bloke doesn`t like the idea of being simular to either apes or banana`s the 2% difference = 26 million different DNA strands well wake up and smell the coffee bucko that also means 1,274,000,000 strands are the same :D lies, dam lies and statistics :laugh:
I thought you might appreciate a little bit. . That's Jonathan Sarfati, PhD in chemistry and a very, very clever guy.

To any who are genuinely interested in the Origin of Life question, I'd recommend you read a book by this man. .

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a great mind no doubt , and i agree with him re god , but fk me he is aggressive in his belief , the way he belittles anyone who believes or is undecided is a bit full on for me ,there doesnt seem to e any ,live and live ,you agree with him or your a dangerous idiot.


Ironically, that's how the church is towards non-believers.

However, unlike the Church, he can offer explanations of why he believes he is right ! All they have is 'because the Bible says so'.

And let's be honest, most religious types these days are dangerous idiots ! :yes:

Blackbriar, who or what are you referring to as "the church" you are not all that specific. . and let me tell you, if you believe in the theory of evolution your just as religious as the chapel folk. . You have faith in that which have not seen and you live your life according (by and large) to what you believe. . Be under no illusion, we are all religious. . Some believe in God some don't, some go to chapel and others don't. . Religion is a system and pattern of thought, which we all have. No one believes in nothing.
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a great mind no doubt , and i agree with him re god , but fk me he is aggressive in his belief , the way he belittles anyone who believes or is undecided is a bit full on for me ,there doesnt seem to e any ,live and live ,you agree with him or your a dangerous idiot.

Ironically, that's how the church is towards non-believers.

However, unlike the Church, he can offer explanations of why he believes he is right ! All they have is 'because the Bible says so'.

And let's be honest, most religious types these days are dangerous idiots ! :yes:

Blackbriar, who or what are you referring to as "the church" you are not all that specific. . and let me tell you, if you believe in the theory of evolution your just as religious as the chapel folk. . You have faith in that which have not seen and you live your life according (by and large) to what you believe. . Be under no illusion, we are all religious. . Some believe in God some don't, some go to chapel and others don't. . Religion is a system and pattern of thought, which we all have. No one believes in nothing.


Okay, for "the Church" , let's read "organised religion".

You are correct, I try to live my life according to what I believe, and I happen to believe the Theory of Evolution to be true - but it does not follow one is affected by the other.


Most religious believers consider whether their actions are in accordance with their beliefs, some to the most detailed degree. Unless it comes up in books, TV, discussion (or internet forums for that matter) I don't give evolution a second thought - Icertainly don't live my life by it.

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