tandors 888 Posted May 18, 2013 Report Share Posted May 18, 2013 Do you not find christian virtues self defeating and only workable if everyone is a christian it is the church who are arguably at the forefront of inviting islam into the country with their love everyone mentality and will ultimately be their undoing. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
pritch 335 Posted May 18, 2013 Report Share Posted May 18, 2013 Some believe in God some don't, I certainly believe that there is a God and many times do I face ridicule from my mates when these topics come up in the pub but f*ck em it's what I believe and they respect my views on it. We all agree on one thing Islam is a bigger threat to this world than Christianity. When I was much younger I thought all religion was a joke, i remember acting cocky with somone who siad they believed in God and I said OK then if God exists give me one thing to prove it show God to me, he asked me if I thought people loved each other, I said yes of course I suppose your now going to tell me a load of b*llocks about God is love etc. He said no you prove to me love exists show it to me. That kinda sums up faith to me you either have it or you don't. Even the greatest scientist cannot explain what occurred prior to the "big bang" it's just theory. Why out of the millions of creatures on this planet are humans able to become technologically advanced, why are we able to communicate through language? No other creature out of millions on this world can do this, yes they can communicate basic emotions and rudimentary signals to each other but not even a 1000th of a percentage that humans can communicate. These questions can't be answered by Darwinism I live my life with Christian values and although sometimes I don't get it right I think these values have kept me honest. If people think less of me for my views as I said f*ck em, As in the words of Forrest Gump "that's about all I have to say on that" ATB the fact you or anyone else is a believer is irrelevant to me, people have different beliefs simple as. but to put a couple of vids up where someone picks out points yet to proven in a science that's subject goes back billions of years & then pick the lack of an answer as proof it's wrong is laughable especially when offering no proof what so ever to his version of events,the vast majority of science excepts evolutionism to be correct & will continue to do so until something comes along to debunk it & creationism has yet to do that Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WILF 47,971 Posted May 18, 2013 Report Share Posted May 18, 2013 Do you not find christian virtues self defeating and only workable if everyone is a christian it is the church who are arguably at the forefront of inviting islam into the country with their love everyone mentality and will ultimately be their undoing. It's my believe that every time you do something positive it not only adds to your own spiritual well being, but it's puts just that little bit of good back in the world that wasn't there before......that positive thing thing can be as simple as smiling at the shop assistant and saying good morning, or having a brief conversation with a stranger about the weather or any random thing.......you part from the encounter feeling just that little bit better than you did before Negative people spread negativity, you leave an encounter with them feeling just that little more empty and depressed than you may have done before So in reply, no, I don't believe the positive side of a religion like Christianity or Buddhism or whatever is self defeating.......in its purest form, when its just a person trying to just be nice to other people ( forget the buildings and jewellery and symbols or organised church) then it's nothing but positive.........if other people whatever their beliefs system chose to be negative then that's down to them, no reason to respond in kind as you just end up feeling pissed off. JMHO 5 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
The Seeker 3,048 Posted May 18, 2013 Report Share Posted May 18, 2013 Do you not find christian virtues self defeating and only workable if everyone is a christian it is the church who are arguably at the forefront of inviting islam into the country with their love everyone mentality and will ultimately be their undoing.Not really no, I sometimes find them frustrating as its these values that make me always try to find the best in a person and forgive somone who has done me a wrong turn, this is sometimes mistakenly misjudged by people as me being soft but that is a big mistake I don't suffer fools, As the old saying goes wrong me once and it is your fault wrong me a second time and that is mine. As for Islam I find many of their principles abhorrent, believe me I have no intention of trying to covert another person it's their choice however I will say one thing if more people in this country were Christian, Islam would not be at the levels they are now. The fact that people are complacent to faith leaves Islam with the upper hand. For example in a small village in Italy they allowed a bunch of Muslims to worship in a garage, the Muslims weren't happy with this and applied to build a mosque, the village refused this because they were a Christian society. The Muslims took this to the court of human rights in Europe and they ruled this mosque should be allowed to be built. Guess what? It's still not built and won't be they basically told them to f*ck off 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Paid 935 Posted May 18, 2013 Report Share Posted May 18, 2013 feck me, I never had wilf down as a hippy 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Ratreeper 441 Posted May 21, 2013 Report Share Posted May 21, 2013 Do you not find christian virtues self defeating and only workable if everyone is a christian it is the church who are arguably at the forefront of inviting islam into the country with their love everyone mentality and will ultimately be their undoing. Sorry if this sounds overly negative, but what Christian values? Could you study a crowd of people, or even if it is someone you have known well for a while and be able to work out their religion? I certainly couldn't (unless they don't like a bacon sandwich), people just pick and choose the parts of the Bible they want to follow and most of the rules are impossible anyway, like thought crime. From what I see the churches are more worried about telling people who to have sex with, without contraception and preventing gay people from having equal rights than they are about spreading love. Show me a Christian who gives all their possessions away becauses Jesus said this "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." Yet the most common prayer seems to be 'dear God, please make me rich', every preacher on TV raves about how RICH God will make them if only they would donate £100 as a sign of faith etc. Don't get me wrong, if more people acted like Jesus then the world would be a nicer place to live in. But what it would definitely NOT require is a delusion of grandeur or make believe special relationship with a totalitarian dictator who loves you so much he created you one way and commanded you to be another, on pain of eternal torture. We are all innately aware of good and bad and good people do good things, bad people do bad things. But for a good person to bad things takes religion. 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Ratreeper 441 Posted May 21, 2013 Report Share Posted May 21, 2013 Some believe in God some don't, I certainly believe that there is a God and many times do I face ridicule from my mates when these topics come up in the pub but f*ck em it's what I believe and they respect my views on it. We all agree on one thing Islam is a bigger threat to this world than Christianity. When I was much younger I thought all religion was a joke, i remember acting cocky with somone who siad they believed in God and I said OK then if God exists give me one thing to prove it show God to me, he asked me if I thought people loved each other, I said yes of course I suppose your now going to tell me a load of b*llocks about God is love etc. He said no you prove to me love exists show it to me. That kinda sums up faith to me you either have it or you don't. Even the greatest scientist cannot explain what occurred prior to the "big bang" it's just theory. Why out of the millions of creatures on this planet are humans able to become technologically advanced, why are we able to communicate through language? No other creature out of millions on this world can do this, yes they can communicate basic emotions and rudimentary signals to each other but not even a 1000th of a percentage that humans can communicate. These questions can't be answered by Darwinism I live my life with Christian values and although sometimes I don't get it right I think these values have kept me honest. If people think less of me for my views as I said f*ck em, As in the words of Forrest Gump "that's about all I have to say on that" ATB I think you are right about some just have faith and some don't, but I also think it goes further and some people can't have faith. I cannot force myself to believe in the supernatural and I never have had any superstitious beliefs, which makes it particularly unfair when apparently God will send me to hell for making me this way, especially since free will is supposed to play a big part. However what you say about love for example, love is created by chemicals in the brain and the process can be seen using an MRI. However this wouldn't really help unless evolution could explain why animals would require love, which has been answered as it greatly increases the chances of offspring surviving if both parents stick around to raise it and it is a good mechanism to achieve this. But even if we didn't have this technology, pointing out things that cannot be explained does not then have to lead to the supernatural as the only alternative, that just doesn't make sense nevermind one specific God you happen to believe in. We have no evidence at all of anything slightly outside of physics, yet there are endless gaps in our knowledge but again these gaps cannot be filled with God just because it is convenient. These gaps are becoming fewer, and guess what? Not a single one has ever been filled with anything not part of the physical world and nothing we have ever known has ever required a God to function. It just goes against all reason and logic to make massive assumptions that only a God could do 'X' when nothing hints that this is true. Not having a go, but I just wish there were a proper argument or some evidence for superstition instead of just picking holes at current knowledge, as if you use that to prove your God you could use it to prove literally anything at all. 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Ratreeper 441 Posted May 21, 2013 Report Share Posted May 21, 2013 Oh and we are more intelligent, your argument could be spun another way and ask why is the blue whale so big? I mean, it is just so much BIGGER than anything else it must surely have been created by the Giant God. We are more intelligent which is easily explain by evolution, but picking out one thing we are does not mean anything, we cannot do any number of things other animals can. Intelligence just happened to be the trait that helped us survive, to many other creatures it is a burden as it takes so much energy and risk to develop such a large brain and they are therefore at a disadvantage if they only need to run fast to have more children. If we were alive in the age of the dinosaurs you could be as clever as you like but you will still get your f***ing head bitten off. I could go on, but I won't as I keep writing the longest replies ever known. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
paulus 26 Posted May 21, 2013 Report Share Posted May 21, 2013 Oh and we are more intelligent, your argument could be spun another way and ask why is the blue whale so big? I mean, it is just so much BIGGER than anything else it must surely have been created by the Giant God. We are more intelligent which is easily explain by evolution, but picking out one thing we are does not mean anything, we cannot do any number of things other animals can. Intelligence just happened to be the trait that helped us survive, to many other creatures it is a burden as it takes so much energy and risk to develop such a large brain and they are therefore at a disadvantage if they only need to run fast to have more children. If we were alive in the age of the dinosaurs you could be as clever as you like but you will still get your f*****g head bitten off. I could go on, but I won't as I keep writing the longest replies ever known. are you being guided by GOD :laugh: Quote Link to post Share on other sites
sandymere 8,263 Posted May 22, 2013 Report Share Posted May 22, 2013 http://www.google.co.uk/url?q=http://whatstheharm.net/religiousfundamentalism.html&sa=U&ei=HKucUcieIuTc4QSN4YCIBw&ved=0CCcQjBAwBQ&usg=AFQjCNHjN2zarrmCvHGpsPc-x2osr05lWA Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WILF 47,971 Posted May 22, 2013 Report Share Posted May 22, 2013 http://www.google.co.uk/url?q=http://whatstheharm.net/religiousfundamentalism.html&sa=U&ei=HKucUcieIuTc4QSN4YCIBw&ved=0CCcQjBAwBQ&usg=AFQjCNHjN2zarrmCvHGpsPc-x2osr05lWA I wonder if there is a website that gives statistics on: RTA Deaths Drug Related Deaths Drink Related Deaths Depression suicides Violent Relationship Deaths ad infinitum Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Ratreeper 441 Posted May 22, 2013 Report Share Posted May 22, 2013 Oh and we are more intelligent, your argument could be spun another way and ask why is the blue whale so big? I mean, it is just so much BIGGER than anything else it must surely have been created by the Giant God. We are more intelligent which is easily explain by evolution, but picking out one thing we are does not mean anything, we cannot do any number of things other animals can. Intelligence just happened to be the trait that helped us survive, to many other creatures it is a burden as it takes so much energy and risk to develop such a large brain and they are therefore at a disadvantage if they only need to run fast to have more children. If we were alive in the age of the dinosaurs you could be as clever as you like but you will still get your f*****g head bitten off. I could go on, but I won't as I keep writing the longest replies ever known. are you being guided by GOD :laugh: His noodly appendage points the way, every time one of his followers pisses off someone else on the internet the inner sauce becomes richer. When the sauce is with us all he will once again flood the world with meatballs and all non believers will perish and I shall laugh like a pirate as they get annoying burns on the roof of their mouths. Once people stop worshipping the wrong God you will see I was right all along. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WILF 47,971 Posted May 22, 2013 Report Share Posted May 22, 2013 Righty ho........here gos, Its easy to snear at people with a belief, take points from the bible literally and poke fun at those that live literally according to the good book........ I view the bible as a series of metaphors which map out a decent way to live your life........now theres no reason not to think that there may have been a man 2000 years ago, wise and farseeing beyond his time, that thought up a series of rules to live your life by in order that it would give people a better way to live.........rather than just cutting about slaughtering each other Lets say he called this Christianity, now if you take "God" as a metaphor for Christianity then things becaome more easy to understand Let there be light could simply mean once you start to live by the rules a darkness will be lifted from you And by saying that on the first day there was this and God created that, it could simply mean that once you have accepted this way of living you will start to see the world anew God is the "Rules".......Jesus was the dude that explained the rules and tryed to make people understand........hence the son of god Organised church is just people forming a club around a belief system, nothing more.......like all clubs and commitees you will have a few people at the top telling you they know best...........it was ever thus and nothing has changed in mans nature so far!! If people chose to follow the bible literally then thats down to them and if they chose to look down on those that dont follow it so closely to the letter then thats their business also, again, its always been this way with human beings....its in out nature. What I do know is, there something more than us kicking about, dont know what it is or even if it has a name but its there..........it pumps into you out of the very roots of the soil when you stand in a beatiful place, or smell the air on a damp summer morning in the countryside, or when you just know something is right or wrong with a loved one.......dont know what it is, but its there. And I will chose that every time over bland, scientific nothingness........... When you pick small specific examples of things to try and poke fun at those, who actually, believe in something good and positive the only person who looses is you........your just adding to your negativity & blandness, us who believe in "something" wont loose, were happy as pigs in shit This has been the gospel according to WILF 4 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Tiercel 6,986 Posted May 22, 2013 Report Share Posted May 22, 2013 (edited) oops Edited May 22, 2013 by tiercel Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Tiercel 6,986 Posted May 22, 2013 Report Share Posted May 22, 2013 Righty ho........here gos, Its easy to snear at people with a belief, take points from the bible literally and poke fun at those that live literally according to the good book........ I view the bible as a series of metaphors which map out a decent way to live your life........now theres no reason not to think that there may have been a man 2000 years ago, wise and farseeing beyond his time, that thought up a series of rules to live your life by in order that it would give people a better way to live.........rather than just cutting about slaughtering each other Lets say he called this Christianity, now if you take "God" as a metaphor for Christianity then things becaome more easy to understand Let there be light could simply mean once you start to live by the rules a darkness will be lifted from you And by saying that on the first day there was this and God created that, it could simply mean that once you have accepted this way of living you will start to see the world anew God is the "Rules".......Jesus was the dude that explained the rules and tryed to make people understand........hence the son of god Organised church is just people forming a club around a belief system, nothing more.......like all clubs and commitees you will have a few people at the top telling you they know best...........it was ever thus and nothing has changed in mans nature so far!! If people chose to follow the bible literally then thats down to them and if they chose to look down on those that dont follow it so closely to the letter then thats their business also, again, its always been this way with human beings....its in out nature. What I do know is, there something more than us kicking about, dont know what it is or even if it has a name but its there..........it pumps into you out of the very roots of the soil when you stand in a beatiful place, or smell the air on a damp summer morning in the countryside, or when you just know something is right or wrong with a loved one.......dont know what it is, but its there. And I will chose that every time over bland, scientific nothingness........... When you pick small specific examples of things to try and poke fun at those, who actually, believe in something good and positive the only person who looses is you........your just adding to your negativity & blandness, us who believe in "something" wont loose, were happy as pigs in shit This has been the gospel according to WILF 100% agree with you, as I stated back on page 5, only you put it far more elequently than I could. God is just a set of rules with which to live your life by. Evolution cannot explain Homo Erectus. In truth there is no real reason for Homo Sapiens to be on this planet. Unlike any other animal on this planet they do not have a niché that they fit into in any natural way. TC TC Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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