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The God Delusion

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The thing that puzzles me is that whilst it doesn't bother me that people believe in God/Allah/Buddha e t c and I wish them all the best and hope they find comfort in their belief .they seem to find i

It's my believe that every time you do something positive it not only adds to your own spiritual well being, but it's puts just that little bit of good back in the world that wasn't there before......

Walshie if I were you I wouldn't mind a creationist commenting, because it puts what you have been reading about in the god delusion into practice and shows the reality of how these people think/can't

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The Field Marshall , you are the first lay man I have heard give a well thought out , well reasoned argument for creationism , food for thought no doubt about it ,

I just wish you,d do it in a less patronising manner . ATB

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Yeah, I've read it and let me tell you, it's a load of. . .


Never heard of Axum, but if it would make an interesting topic, please start another thread! I'm gonna get banned from THL if this one carries on!



Why would you think you would be banned :hmm: with a little more thought your point of view might be put across better but apart from that its all healthy debate :thumbs:

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Yeah, I've read it and let me tell you, it's a load of. . .


Never heard of Axum, but if it would make an interesting topic, please start another thread! I'm gonna get banned from THL if this one carries on!



አክሱም or Axum or Aksum is a town in northen Ethiopia.


Wiki is allright for somethings.



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So the thread moves on. . . Thanks Hot Meat, I don't think I debate well as such mate, I just believe a simple boy with truth will give a wiseman with error a run for his money.

Walshie, I'm not after the last word or to win mate. . I'm no fool, I can't possibly win with my views on this website!! ATB

Tiercel, thanks, the difference in me and the author (with regards to our views) is that he is offensive and I'm defensive, he acts, I react. . That's all I want to hear, evolution is a theory (without legs IMO) but everywhere I turn, it's thrown at you as a fact.

Born Hunter, I took you seriously up until those last comments "all science is theory" and "science is entirely what people believe" you've lost the plot there mate, you're getting science and science fiction mixed up now. . Science is the real deal, it produces the goods, It took us into space and gave us cures for diseases, science isn't theory, it tests theory.

Paid, I believe the DNA evidence is final nail in the coffin of macro evolution. . I know you've probably no given much attention to my posts, but if you refer to the vids I posted on page 2, 7. and 9 you'll get where I'm coming from. . I'm not sure what you mean by "there is more evidence for evolution than the bible" what facet of bible are you referring to? Obviously I'm likely to disagree and probably could give a good account of why. . But I won't post on it unless you prefer.

And the Ratreeper returns after 3 days with a bunch of copy and pastes, was any of that post yours??? You completely ignored my reply to your last post. . .

You are a little special, my faith in jeopardy? Please, I'm familiar with the leading arguments from the best of evolutionists, my faith is hardly in jeopardy on here and I'm not being sarcastic. . I am absolutely convinced in my beliefs and I wouldn't be looking for reassurance in the general section of the hunting life! . . That is funny!! And you're saying that the scientists that are featured on the videos I've posted are not educated??? Lol. You're too much.

I assertively deny the theory because there is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER for this so called fact, please present me with just minuscule amount? Don't worry about the 100% you say I demand. . If it was a fact it wouldn't take much to show me would it. .

I realise not every one is taking me seriously, but go back through my posts and videos, the answer to all these farcical question are there.

Science is entirely theory! If you don't understand that then you clearly have little experience or understanding of science. Hypotheses compete to become the accepted theory to explain the observations. Both may be valid but one holds more weight than the other and is accepted. Just because we believe in one over the other doesn't mean the other may not in time be proven correct! For example, we once believed Newtonian mechanics explained gravity.... We believed this to be fact! Then planetary orbits were calculated and unexplainable by newtons theory. What we believed was naive and wrong. General relativity fixed it all but you see all of science IS theory and what we choose to believe. Faith in science is educated but nonetheless still faith.

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Field Marshall, what did I copy and paste and from where? I just wrote a reply and I replied to way I did not to try and force my opinion at you in return, but because I know it is futile trying to use and reason and logic to argue against someone who has abandoned all rationality and will not change their mind no matter how much evidence is presented.


I will happily answer any questions you have, please PM me if you want as I love a debate but don't want to clutter up this thread (or let's start a new one, the spaghetti monster vs God). If you ask me a direct question I will answer it, but can you start answering my questions too? Let's first begin with Noah's Ark, as the whole thing is utterly impossible, the size of a wooden ship large enough to carry even a tiny fraction of animals wouldn't be able to sail, or be possible to build. For animals such as the sloth to be summoned by God would have taken literally thousands of years etc, it's absurd.


If you deny evolution, you deny modern medicine and all of biology as this all relies on evolution to be fact to make any of it work. We couldn't find cures for diseases if we didn't understand how bacteria and viruses adapt to antidotes, the same way rat populations become more resistant to poison over time and new methods are needed. Likewise if you deny relativity, you would need to explain why all satellites in orbit take relativity into account, and if you have such paranoia over scientists colluding to make evolution the biggest hoax in human history then stop going to hospitals immediately.


The reason it is being screamed at you as fact is because it simply is fact and any child could see the faults in your reasoning, but I know you won't change your mind as you 'know you are right' which personally I find to be a very dangerous mindset that has lead to people doing terrible things because they can't empathise with another point of view. I am always ready to change my mind when I am proven wrong as is any genuine scientist. I couldn't care any less about what belief system is better or worse by any standard, I only care about what is true and you have to think objectively about these things instead of you just wishing you aren't going to die and believing the story your parents would have told you (as let's face it 99% of theists inherit their beliefs from their parents).


You act exactly how I describe, ignoring and dismissing anything you don't like and carry on saying the same lines that have already been explained to you exactly why they are wrong. Like most theists you think religion has a monopoly on ethics and that you are in some way more open minded because you are willing to close your eyes to anything that opposes your view and fail to see the irony, then talk down on people as if you are special and literally 'God chosen'.


But even if I conformed to your way of thinking and believed that a misogynistic, immoral book written by mortals based on the hearsay of illiterate desert tribes thousands of years ago could ever be reliable and contains all of the knowledge we could ever need to know (like insects have four legs!). Then using your own reasoning any of the other Gods created by man (in my opinion all of them) could be true, but you have chosen to dismiss these other Gods for the inane fairytales that they are. The burden is also on the one making extraordinary claims to present extraordinary evidence, also on you to explain why your fairytale is any more plausible than Zeus, Thor, voodoo or any other of the many thousands either believed now or forgotten, so you really are an atheist bar one, why not go one further? Or if you really want the truth, bow down to the noodly master!

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Funny you old pagan gods aren't scientists making new discoveries like quantum entanglement that back up the old belief systems of our ancestors before everyone was converted to the Jewish god?

i must admit im not religious in the slightest but out of all religions paganism would appeal the most if i had to pick one

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I like history and have read a fair bit on heathenism and seems there's a lot of logic in it? I find it interesting that before the Jewish god was worshiped all the indo European people basically held the same beliefs just called their gods different names and old concepts like wyrd make sense. Not that I'm sold on it lol but was followed for thousands of years before the adoption of Christianity recently which is also very pagan based anyway lol.

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I like history and have read a fair bit on heathenism and seems there's a lot of logic in it? I find it interesting that before the Jewish god was worshiped all the indo European people basically held the same beliefs just called their gods different names and old concepts like wyrd make sense. Not that I'm sold on it lol but was followed for thousands of years before the adoption of Christianity recently which is also very pagan based anyway lol.

Thank God its nearly summer :whistling:

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I like history and have read a fair bit on heathenism and seems there's a lot of logic in it? I find it interesting that before the Jewish god was worshiped all the indo European people basically held the same beliefs just called their gods different names and old concepts like wyrd make sense. Not that I'm sold on it lol but was followed for thousands of years before the adoption of Christianity recently which is also very pagan based anyway lol.

Strong,fallible,human gods they were,gods who got drunk or angry and wrecked the place or godesses who sold their virtue to gnomes for jewelery..I suppose they reflected the values of their worshippers.

I cant prove that any god exists but conversely i cant prove that theres no god.The human mind seeks meaning in the information it processes-it forms a beleif-then rationalises it with explanations( after the event)-then reinforces the beleif by searching for supporting evidence while ignoring anything contrary to the belief (e.g ANTIs,cult members etc.)

Edited by tinytiger
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Would it be too bold to imagine, that in the great length of time, since the earth began to exist, perhaps millions of ages before the commencement of the history of mankind, would it be too bold to imagine, that all warm-blooded animals have arisen from one living filament, which THE GREAT FIRST CAUSE endued with animality, with the power of acquiring new parts, attended with new propensities, directed by irritations, sensations, volitions, and associations; and thus possessing the faculty of continuing to improve by its own inherent activity, and of delivering down those improvements by generation to its posterity, world without end

(erasmus darwin-grandfather of charles)

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Some believe in God some don't, I certainly believe that there is a God and many times do I face ridicule from my mates when these topics come up in the pub but f*ck em it's what I believe and they respect my views on it. We all agree on one thing Islam is a bigger threat to this world than Christianity.


When I was much younger I thought all religion was a joke, i remember acting cocky with somone who siad they believed in God and I said OK then if God exists give me one thing to prove it show God to me, he asked me if I thought people loved each other, I said yes of course I suppose your now going to tell me a load of b*llocks about God is love etc. He said no you prove to me love exists show it to me.

That kinda sums up faith to me you either have it or you don't. Even the greatest scientist cannot explain what occurred prior to the "big bang" it's just theory. Why out of the millions of creatures on this planet are humans able to become technologically advanced, why are we able to communicate through language? No other creature out of millions on this world can do this, yes they can communicate basic emotions and rudimentary signals to each other but not even a 1000th of a percentage that humans can communicate. These questions can't be answered by Darwinism


I live my life with Christian values and although sometimes I don't get it right I think these values have kept me honest. If people think less of me for my views as I said f*ck em,


As in the words of Forrest Gump "that's about all I have to say on that"



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