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The God Delusion

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Where evolution baffles me is, take crocodiles they've been around since the prehistoric period with little or no evolution - because if it works well, natural selection slows. They certainly evoled into their current form, and it works, so evolution slowed.

If we evolved from apes then why are there still apes?- we branched away from apes, and moved into a different environment grass lands instead of trees, so we changed to adapt to the new environment. It shaped us, then later, we shaped it.

Why are there still single cell organisms- because they are true survivors

and why are bananas still yellow? - some are green, others are red, they turn yellow to signal to us apes that its time to eat, and then walk away, and shit a seed out.

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The thing that puzzles me is that whilst it doesn't bother me that people believe in God/Allah/Buddha e t c and I wish them all the best and hope they find comfort in their belief .they seem to find i

It's my believe that every time you do something positive it not only adds to your own spiritual well being, but it's puts just that little bit of good back in the world that wasn't there before......

Walshie if I were you I wouldn't mind a creationist commenting, because it puts what you have been reading about in the god delusion into practice and shows the reality of how these people think/can't

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  On 12/05/2013 at 14:40, Paid said:

Where evolution baffles me is, take crocodiles they've been around since the prehistoric period with little or no evolution - because if it works well, natural selection slows. They certainly evoled into their current form, and it works, so evolution slowed.

If we evolved from apes then why are there still apes?- we branched away from apes, and moved into a different environment grass lands instead of trees, so we changed to adapt to the new environment. It shaped us, then later, we shaped it.

Why are there still single cell organisms- because they are true survivors

and why are bananas still yellow? - some are green, others are red, they turn yellow to signal to us apes that its time to eat, and then walk away, and shit a seed out.

Man did not evolve from apes. Man and apes are believed to have a common ancestor - the so-called 'missing link'.

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I've always wanted to believe in god or a heaven but after reading the other thread about AFT Makes it hard to brlieve in. All I can say I hope there is a happy hunting ground that all the good uns go to!

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  On 12/05/2013 at 12:41, walshie said:

Might I refer to my original post - the bit where i said "Without getting into the ins and outs of who's right or wrong"?


I am reading the book and I am genuinely interested in what Dawkins has to say on the subject. I am interested in facts, not made up statements.


The statement that more people have been killed in the name of evolution than in the name of religion is absolutely laughable. Asking us to "do our homework" on the subject would presumably entail us reading some more patronizing twaddle written by someone so blinkered by his religion that actual facts can be put to one side in order to make their "arguments" seem more plausible.


The worst thing about the whole debate is atheists don't continually try to foist their opinions on believers, yet for thousands of years believers have tried to impose their religion on everyone else. By force most of the time.


Sorry, but I can only believe in hard facts. Something someone may or may not have written all that time ago has no more meaning to me in the real world than Hans Christian Anderson stories.

Ah? Your asking for views on the book! I've read it and in my opinion it's nothing more than empty jargon. At what point does he present "hard facts" ? What hard facts are you talking about? Don't take offence, but you don't appear to be all that clued up on the matter, Dawkins is a self confessed evangelical atheist! He travels the world ridiculing creationists and avoids those who can answer back, he made a mistake debating Lennox, I think him and his theory was exposed there! . .


I've given you hard facts, from secular sources, which you'll choose to ignore. . The theory promotes racism and gave depraved people a great card to enforce there murderous views. . Hence, it's a dangerous theory.

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  On 12/05/2013 at 14:34, Blackbriar said:


  On 12/05/2013 at 11:05, *The*Field*Marshall* said:


  On 12/05/2013 at 10:24, Blackbriar said:


  On 12/05/2013 at 10:05, *The*Field*Marshall* said:


  On 11/05/2013 at 20:19, Blackbriar said:


  On 11/05/2013 at 18:52, walshie said:


  On 11/05/2013 at 18:50, Buttercup said:

a great mind no doubt , and i agree with him re god , but fk me he is aggressive in his belief , the way he belittles anyone who believes or is undecided is a bit full on for me ,there doesnt seem to e any ,live and live ,you agree with him or your a dangerous idiot.


Ironically, that's how the church is towards non-believers.

However, unlike the Church, he can offer explanations of why he believes he is right ! All they have is 'because the Bible says so'.

And let's be honest, most religious types these days are dangerous idiots ! :yes:

Blackbriar, who or what are you referring to as "the church" you are not all that specific. . and let me tell you, if you believe in the theory of evolution your just as religious as the chapel folk. . You have faith in that which have not seen and you live your life according (by and large) to what you believe. . Be under no illusion, we are all religious. . Some believe in God some don't, some go to chapel and others don't. . Religion is a system and pattern of thought, which we all have. No one believes in nothing.
Okay, for "the Church" , let's read "organised religion".

You are correct, I try to live my life according to what I believe, and I happen to believe the Theory of Evolution to be true - but it does not follow one is affected by the other.


Most religious believers consider whether their actions are in accordance with their beliefs, some to the most detailed degree. Unless it comes up in books, TV, discussion (or internet forums for that matter) I don't give evolution a second thought - Icertainly don't live my life by it.

Fair shout. . So would it be fair to say that you are a casual believer in the theory and haven't given a great deal of attention to whether it really does explain the origin of species or whether its the biggest fallacy of them all.

The theory of evolution is a dangerous one and more people have been killed in its name than the whole of religion put together. . For example, Stalin, Hitler, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot. . All Darwinian evolutionists, who used the theory to promote there believed right to exterminate the "weaker race" . .

Or take the story of Oto Benga, the African pigmy. . Hunters killed his wife and kids and then he was shipped him off to America and put in a zoo's monkey house as an example of evolution!! The poor fecker ended up killing himself!

Whoever believes in any theory, or even if the theory is mis-used, has no bearing on whether is is true or not ! The men you mention were also atheists - does that mean all atheists are murderous tyrants ? Of course not and it is ridiculous to imply it !

Okay, so on what basis do presume the theory to be true!?! Yes they were atheist, evolution is the atheists perfect religion, it's a religion without a God. .

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The thing that puzzles me is that whilst it doesn't bother me that people believe in God/Allah/Buddha e t c and I wish them all the best and hope they find comfort in their belief .they seem to find it offensive that I don't believe..

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  On 12/05/2013 at 14:40, Paid said:

Where evolution baffles me is, take crocodiles they've been around since the prehistoric period with little or no evolution - because if it works well, natural selection slows. They certainly evoled into their current form, and it works, so evolution slowed.

If we evolved from apes then why are there still apes?- we branched away from apes, and moved into a different environment grass lands instead of trees, so we changed to adapt to the new environment. It shaped us, then later, we shaped it.

Why are there still single cell organisms- because they are true survivors

and why are bananas still yellow? - some are green, others are red, they turn yellow to signal to us apes that its time to eat, and then walk away, and shit a seed out.

Are gorillas not apes and do the not live in grassy fields?.

What triggers evolution to slow down or speed up, crocodiles could have evolved to be faster on land or not breath air?

All organisms and animals are true survivors what makes anything better than another at surviving?



and why do things that turn bad also turn black..........like yellow bananas :laugh:

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  On 12/05/2013 at 15:29, *The*Field*Marshall* said:


  On 12/05/2013 at 14:34, Blackbriar said:


  On 12/05/2013 at 11:05, *The*Field*Marshall* said:


  On 12/05/2013 at 10:24, Blackbriar said:


  On 12/05/2013 at 10:05, *The*Field*Marshall* said:


  On 11/05/2013 at 20:19, Blackbriar said:


  On 11/05/2013 at 18:52, walshie said:


  On 11/05/2013 at 18:50, Buttercup said:

a great mind no doubt , and i agree with him re god , but fk me he is aggressive in his belief , the way he belittles anyone who believes or is undecided is a bit full on for me ,there doesnt seem to e any ,live and live ,you agree with him or your a dangerous idiot.

Ironically, that's how the church is towards non-believers.

However, unlike the Church, he can offer explanations of why he believes he is right ! All they have is 'because the Bible says so'.

And let's be honest, most religious types these days are dangerous idiots ! :yes:

Blackbriar, who or what are you referring to as "the church" you are not all that specific. . and let me tell you, if you believe in the theory of evolution your just as religious as the chapel folk. . You have faith in that which have not seen and you live your life according (by and large) to what you believe. . Be under no illusion, we are all religious. . Some believe in God some don't, some go to chapel and others don't. . Religion is a system and pattern of thought, which we all have. No one believes in nothing.
Okay, for "the Church" , let's read "organised religion".

You are correct, I try to live my life according to what I believe, and I happen to believe the Theory of Evolution to be true - but it does not follow one is affected by the other.


Most religious believers consider whether their actions are in accordance with their beliefs, some to the most detailed degree. Unless it comes up in books, TV, discussion (or internet forums for that matter) I don't give evolution a second thought - Icertainly don't live my life by it.

Fair shout. . So would it be fair to say that you are a casual believer in the theory and haven't given a great deal of attention to whether it really does explain the origin of species or whether its the biggest fallacy of them all.

The theory of evolution is a dangerous one and more people have been killed in its name than the whole of religion put together. . For example, Stalin, Hitler, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot. . All Darwinian evolutionists, who used the theory to promote there believed right to exterminate the "weaker race" . .

Or take the story of Oto Benga, the African pigmy. . Hunters killed his wife and kids and then he was shipped him off to America and put in a zoo's monkey house as an example of evolution!! The poor fecker ended up killing himself!

Whoever believes in any theory, or even if the theory is mis-used, has no bearing on whether is is true or not ! The men you mention were also atheists - does that mean all atheists are murderous tyrants ? Of course not and it is ridiculous to imply it !

Okay, so on what basis do presume the theory to be true!?! Yes they were atheist, evolution is the atheists perfect religion, it's a religion without a God. .


id agree with you there-Dawkins is every bit as much a fundamentalist as bin laden-He knows hes right-so did osama....A very good book is thge science delusion by rupert sheldrake (a respected scientist)-theres a chapter about dogs in it as well-how they know when their owners are coming home or when earthquakes/tsnunamis etc .are going to happen.(science has no explanation for lots of things)

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  On 12/05/2013 at 15:46, paulus said:


  On 12/05/2013 at 14:40, Paid said:

Where evolution baffles me is, take crocodiles they've been around since the prehistoric period with little or no evolution - because if it works well, natural selection slows. They certainly evoled into their current form, and it works, so evolution slowed.

If we evolved from apes then why are there still apes?- we branched away from apes, and moved into a different environment grass lands instead of trees, so we changed to adapt to the new environment. It shaped us, then later, we shaped it.

Why are there still single cell organisms- because they are true survivors

and why are bananas still yellow? - some are green, others are red, they turn yellow to signal to us apes that its time to eat, and then walk away, and shit a seed out.

Are gorillas not apes and do the not live in grassy fields?.

What triggers evolution to slow down or speed up, crocodiles could have evolved to be faster on land or not breath air?

All organisms and animals are true survivors what makes anything better than another at surviving?



and why do things that turn bad also turn black..........like yellow bananas :laugh:



So many questions, and not enough answers :-)


one thing that has always puzzled me is periods, or coming into season, ferrets once a year, dogs twice, wives every fecking month.


Why can my wife not be more like a ferret ?

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  On 12/05/2013 at 16:16, Paid said:


  On 12/05/2013 at 15:46, paulus said:


  On 12/05/2013 at 14:40, Paid said:

Where evolution baffles me is, take crocodiles they've been around since the prehistoric period with little or no evolution - because if it works well, natural selection slows. They certainly evoled into their current form, and it works, so evolution slowed.

If we evolved from apes then why are there still apes?- we branched away from apes, and moved into a different environment grass lands instead of trees, so we changed to adapt to the new environment. It shaped us, then later, we shaped it.

Why are there still single cell organisms- because they are true survivors

and why are bananas still yellow? - some are green, others are red, they turn yellow to signal to us apes that its time to eat, and then walk away, and shit a seed out.

Are gorillas not apes and do the not live in grassy fields?.

What triggers evolution to slow down or speed up, crocodiles could have evolved to be faster on land or not breath air?

All organisms and animals are true survivors what makes anything better than another at surviving?



and why do things that turn bad also turn black..........like yellow bananas :laugh:



So many questions, and not enough answers :-)


one thing that has always puzzled me is periods, or coming into season, ferrets once a year, dogs twice, wives every fecking month.


Why can my wife not be more like a ferret ?


My fookers just like a mink. fast as fook and escaped from somewhere :laugh: :laugh:

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  On 12/05/2013 at 16:16, Paid said:


  On 12/05/2013 at 15:46, paulus said:


  On 12/05/2013 at 14:40, Paid said:

Where evolution baffles me is, take crocodiles they've been around since the prehistoric period with little or no evolution - because if it works well, natural selection slows. They certainly evoled into their current form, and it works, so evolution slowed.

If we evolved from apes then why are there still apes?- we branched away from apes, and moved into a different environment grass lands instead of trees, so we changed to adapt to the new environment. It shaped us, then later, we shaped it.

Why are there still single cell organisms- because they are true survivors

and why are bananas still yellow? - some are green, others are red, they turn yellow to signal to us apes that its time to eat, and then walk away, and shit a seed out.

Are gorillas not apes and do the not live in grassy fields?.

What triggers evolution to slow down or speed up, crocodiles could have evolved to be faster on land or not breath air?

All organisms and animals are true survivors what makes anything better than another at surviving?



and why do things that turn bad also turn black..........like yellow bananas :laugh:



So many questions, and not enough answers :-)


one thing that has always puzzled me is periods, or coming into season, ferrets once a year, dogs twice, wives every fecking month.


Why can my wife not be more like a ferret ?


its to do with thyroid hormone-changes in response to the length of day..They did an experiment on a fur farm in russia-trying to breed tamer foxes that were easier to manage-they kept breeding the tamest to the tamest-after a good few generations the foxes started coming out black and white,wagged their tails,barked and came into heat twice a year...try shoving the wife face first down a burrow lol

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  On 11/05/2013 at 18:52, walshie said:


  On 11/05/2013 at 18:50, Buttercup said:

a great mind no doubt , and i agree with him re god , but fk me he is aggressive in his belief , the way he belittles anyone who believes or is undecided is a bit full on for me ,there doesnt seem to e any ,live and live ,you agree with him or your a dangerous idiot.


Ironically, that's how the church is towards non-believers.

What church have you had such an experience with matey and what was said to you?

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