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Fox Hunting With Lurchers Dvds 1+2 Anygood?

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well i had a shindig via pm a while ago with andrew and he said to me that before the ban these collie xs are efficient on the lamp..........but do hunt up ,...but can be exspected due to a percentage of hound...........every bit of footage on this thread on you tube shows them at there worst in my opionion,.being hesitant choosing strikes .....not every fox is taking like that......(ive seen fox hounds do the same on a cornered fox years ago..)..........but thats another story.......

the thing is these lurchers by day have bags of wind and put that against there pain thresh hold does make you think would fitness over rule brawl and maybe ,maybe not.........in some of the footage that i have seen of the wrecking crew is that the big bull cross looking very lafargic and slow.......like anything theres pros and cons but i know where people are coming from ,.........

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Fox on the lamp rarely if ever bounce or make a mistake on a hedge or ditch :no: when they get there they are threw usually without any hesitation :yes: there gone :bye: On the lamp, dogs that pick there shots trying not to get bit will miss more foxs than they catch :yes: A good fox dog will strike asap and take fox regardless of getting bit :yes:


ETA: Iam talking preban.

Edited by C Hall
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Fox on the lamp rarely if ever bounce or make a mistake on a hedge or ditch :no: when they get there they are threw usually without any hesitation :yes: there gone :bye: On the lamp dogs that pick there shots trying not to get bit will miss more foxs than they catch :yes: A good fox dog will strike asap and take fox regardless of getting bit :yes:

collie x are not always fencing and will take at any oppurtunity ,there very clever worked in a pair,.............usually running ahead to turn it away from cover and game on in the field..............there style of work maybe different but dont mean they dont get what they want ...........during the day a fox with no where to go ..................knows its in trouble and will face its threat............at night its head down ,.thinking there invisable in the dark until illuminated by a light that stuns them and with panic mistakes are more easily made ...........the dazzle of the light and the threat behind them makes in favour of the dogs and i would say makes taking them easier............well easier than the day time............at night there found in places what favour the dogs and with plenty of room for the dogs and cover far away from reynard ,......there usually in trouble,...... and the out come should be inevitable.......what ever dog you use ,......but i like to see the box clever ones ......

and to think that those collies in the footage on this thread are going to fence like that at night , i would say you be mistaken ,.......it should be that much easier for them at night on a fox that is under more pressure than a daytime one ,............thats not too say they dont know where there running at night ,..........but once that beam is in there eyes and they have been turned a few times ,.....disorientation sets in to the dogs advantage and an uneducated fox what hasnt seen a lamp before caught out in the open could be in big trouble...........

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Whippet 99, Iam a fan of both bull x and collie x. Ive seen enough of both types run to know which I would of prefered for fox on the lamp :thumbs:

im not disputing anything you have said just adding ,..............ive probably seen as many daytime as i have on the lamp ,..or nearly as many ...........but i think its up to the dog to turn them away from cover and maybe more natural for a collie but normal to a dog doing it all the time............its hard to get the balance right as you have the staying power , turning, cunning ness of th collie x and you have the jaw , the punishment threshold and the die hard attributes of the bull ,........but then too much of either breed in a lurcher will have its down falls ...........i guess every body is different and have there reasons for whatever they used ...........hope your next season is a good one.....yis

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Constructive and yet different opinions from two people on here, exactly as it should be on a forum imo, both have put their own views accross in a constructive and curteous manner, whilst still having a different opinion. I applaude the two of you for doing so. Pity there wasnt more constructive debates on thl.


Perhaps some of the members on here who have an opinion, and only theirs, and who wont take on board that others also have an opinion, could take a valuable lesson from the above.





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Whippet 99, Iam a fan of both bull x and collie x. Ive seen enough of both types run to know which I would of prefered for fox on the lamp :thumbs:


that would be collie yes?



Yes if I wanted a dog to fill the pot and catch the odd fox, if I was out for fox's only and expecting the dog to take them a few times a week a half cross bull :thumbs:

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just my opinion but a good fox dog has a rage on wants to get stuck in first chance and end things quick doesnt need help doesnt bark doesnt dance round the fox i could be wrong of course :laugh:


a good killing dog would do that, but you dont get many that have the feet, stamina, coat and nose to hunt all day on the mountain.

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  • 3 weeks later...

there are so many people keep slagging the lads off what people are calling the wrecking crew as we have seen footage of them dogs they would be gone the day after as the dvd of the wrecking crew was just for personnal use ,the dogs would not last 5 mins when lamping and the fox is at its best they would pull it or bark or hunt up ,i would guarantee that anyone of the dogs what you saw called the wrecking crew would pull them single handed never mind someone moaning there is a difference between day time foxes and night time foxes , night foxes are at there best and the footage i have seen of them dogs would hunt up on the lamp but i would guarantee that the lads who you people call the wrecking crew would do them single handed at the end of the day it is only entertainment but good on the lads for making it there is always someone who will complain :thumbs::D

Macky you still looking a good dog to replace them old coffin dodgers of yours i know a boy selling teacup Chihuahuas you could put it in your handbag when your mum takes you shopping for your barbie doll collection.

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