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Guest CharlieC

theres someone on there who wants to know how to hunt snakes with his jack russells can anyone give the poor man some advice? :blink::blink: :11: :11:


I think we should all join and invade them, it will be fun I promise :clapper::clapper: we could go on a secret mission to noise them up by being extra nice then they cant chuck us off, anyone game? :11: :11:


"I have an additional acre of land at my home, that I would like use as a working area for my Russells. I would like to fence this in and develope this in a way that is true to their Instincts and have the ability to work with them on a daily basis. I realize it is not a large area, but it would give me the opportunity to learn more about my Russells and give them their much needed exercise each day. Not to mention it will be great for me as well to learn more about their working abilities in hopes of some day being able to participate in Go To Ground and maybe even some Agility here locally in Florida.

So What I am asking Is: Is there certain structures or Points of interest that I need to address first. On this acre, there are large trees, ditches, a pond, even some heavy brush. Lots of places to dig and seek out possible Rodents, Lizzards and even a few non poisonus snakes.

But since I am new to this, I am not sure as to how far to allow them to dig. Also do I allow all of them together as usual or just work with a couple at a time. They all get along well together in their natural environment and in the home, But after quarry, I am not sure how they will tolerate each other........Many questions!!!

I Would Appreciate any and all Suggestions on How and Where To Start...What I should DO and What I SHOULD NOT DO!!!.....Brightrussells "

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