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Been Offerd A Virak .22 What Are You Thoughts

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Marksman thanks for the support im a mechanic by trade so taking the hw80 aprt is not that difficult i think alot of the time its down to stupid aragont c@~ks that put people off im only new to this site so for them to judge someone on they cleary do not know maybe its just a lack of there knowledge to take a gun apart

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Mike, I'm not normally one to talk out of term on a public forum but you seriously need to wind your neck in mate.   It's not fair that every new member you "suspect" is being tarred with the sam

I suspect he might have had an educated guess after looking at his pellet tin, or he could have wildly stabbed in the dark after reading the side if the breech block...

My guess would be .22 looking at the title of the thread

Anyone can take anything apart.... It's the getting it back together and it working again which is the key part!!!


Sounds like you got a bargain just make sure it's all legal and m sure you will be very happy with it





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AR177 it is currently in bit as my local gun shop advised me to do they have ordered me a uk standard main spring for it for £25.00 an the are going to crono it for me after so all in all cost me 150.00 inc the spring if i can strip a 4.0litre v6 and put that back together im sure il manage to put the 80 back together i just pisses me off when joe bloggs has to always gudge people by there own standards bud

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  On 11/05/2013 at 08:23, secretagentmole said:

Oh bud is it? Funny you are new to this sport yet going from a B2 you have managed to get the mainspring on one of HWs most notoriously difficult to strip rifles out!

Really surprises me how you can think anybody would not know it was you David!


I thought it was Miles :laugh:

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  On 09/05/2013 at 11:08, dorsetchap.22 said:

Hi fellow gunners i have been offered a virak .22 break barrel are these any good guy said its worth around the 200/250 mark is he correct cant find much info online about them



  On 11/05/2013 at 10:13, dorsetchap.22 said:

well my names adam im new to this site not the sport i have owned rifles in the past and stripped and shot them maybe you should ask member astral as she has me on facebook and i do currenty own both a smk b2 and the hw80 older version



Ok, I think many of you know I'm a sceptical old bugger and whatever some of you want to think, something smells strange here, a LOT has apparently happened during the short life of this thread, and that above just doesn't add up to me!



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Mike...in all seriousness.


The HW80 is a very easy rifle to strip. Every tuner from here to oz will tell you what a doddle they are to work on and even a numpty like me can strip and assemble one without problems.. You remove four screws to get the stock off and the trigger block with two pins. Once the trigger unit is removed from the block and the back off the cylinder, the only tricky bit is the preload on the spring. If it's an FAC Titan it will need careful handling, otherwise there's next to nothing of preload with a 12-ft/lb spring...... Done!


5-minute job. What is so notoriously difficult about that?

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yeah well tis a bit strange mate that you have been offered a virak 22 break barrel are they any good what is it?? and yet you all ready own a weirach hw80 older model so you would know how good they are and what it was?? not that i care really its just another fishy thread on an increasingly down ward spiraling section.

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  On 11/05/2013 at 11:59, pianoman said:

Mike...in all seriousness.


The HW80 is a very easy rifle to strip. Every tuner from here to oz will tell you what a doddle they are to work on and even a numpty like me can strip and assemble one without problems.. You remove four screws to get the stock off and the trigger block with two pins. Once the trigger unit is removed from the block and the back off the cylinder, the only tricky bit is the preload on the spring. If it's an FAC Titan it will need careful handling, otherwise there's next to nothing of preload with a 12-ft/lb spring...... Done!


5-minute job. What is so notoriously difficult about that?

fukk all

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Well I don't think Adam is G unless G has moved in to Poole. On a another post he stated that him and his partner goes into a pub called the Bell in my town of wimborne ,so Adam does know the area. So mike I think you should let this one lie

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So because a lad uses poor grammar, poor sentence construct and the frequent use of the word "Bud" you have bona fide, bang-to-rights evidence of the Graham clan re-emerging.... :hmm:

You know what Mike. It would be a good idea to stop using the Forum as a vehicle for your ridiculous persecution of the Graham clan and keep to posting more of your extensively considerable knowledge of all matters shooting! ;)

Yet another "AHAAA GOTCHA!" interjections on threads. It's boring and shows you in a bad light Mike as an annoying lazy little bugger with nothing else to occupy your time. Now, please... stop this nonesense ...Laddie!


  On 11/05/2013 at 12:08, dorsetchap.22 said:

to be honest i dont really give a stuff what any one thinks i know what im able or not able to do

To be honest mate, neither do most of us either. You are whatever you are as are all of us! Mole here sees himself as the guardian of this forum from internet scammers who happen to be called 'Graham'.

Edited by pianoman
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