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why is it with any dog that ive owned, when you come back from a walk they never want to drink any water while still on the lead . Meaning what i do + and alway done ,is i clean there stainless steal food+ drink bowls, put fresh water in both, put drinkg water bowls in there kennels+ run, so that there food bowls are they to have drink out of 1st in the garden.Then what i do is throw the water away, and its ready for the grub to feed later on.As its been warm all week, ive come back in garden, stood at the food bowls as ive said that got water in, and the feckers (wont) touch a drop, but loose them of there leads in there runs,and they get the water into them,with a good drink .?? I know it sounds daft but all my dogs do the same over the years every 1 of them, i just wonder if all dogs act the act the same, or just mine thats why i ask.I just find it a strange think to do you your (either thirsty or not ) .?

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Ray, mines the same, I'd probably say most or maybe all my dogs did this too. Never thought as to why either?

When its warm, as it's been, either I fill the bowls fresh before going out or my Mrs re-fills 'em whilst i'm out. Either way, it's leads off to have a slurp. :thumbs:

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Ray, mines the same, I'd probably say most or maybe all my dogs did this too. Never thought as to why either?

When its warm, as it's been, either I fill the bowls fresh before going out or my Mrs re-fills 'em whilst i'm out. Either way, it's leads off to have a slurp. :thumbs:


its bloody strange paul, last night went out for couple of hours, the last 1/2 of the walk no pools etc, got back to the garden stood at there food bowls which are holding fresh cold water in them.They both just looked at the bowls and feck all. Iknew Buck was gagging for a drink as he tongue was on the floor lol , and Bryn was as bad. Loose them of the leads in there runs, and got it down them, fecking strange animals. :yes:

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both my dogs are the same ray,the pups the worst he walks away from his food if im near and waits for me to go before eating,pip wont piss or crap in the gardens and would jump the fence and do it in next doors though :laugh:

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hi bird, i have a theory on this..but just a theory..,you are the pack leader and whilst on the lead you are in total control.they wont drink in case you the pack leader wants to drink. the kennel is their teritory,i bet the top dog always drinks first after lead removal. i might test this next walk by trying my hand in the water, take it out and see if they drink. i'll either be right or make myself look a c#nt..probably the latter lol, cheers ryno

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Dogs have different mind sets stimulated by different people places and things , a dog on a lead is in a vulnerable position he's all in his head its similar to taking a dog into a field where he knows and has caught rabbits before , he will neither eat or drink because he just cant reference his gut in his stimulated frame of mind he has a physical memory of a certain activity in that area,

The association with water in this case is influenced by a different environment and different mindset one of which they have no physical memories of,

It's rational for us humans to think they should just drink the same as us but the canine goes more on how things feel for them and physical memories are their starting point.

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