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Police Drop Sexual Touching Investigation against Hunt Supporter.


Well, this has been a good week. First the Avon Vale Hunt decision where the RSPCA was soundly criticised by the Judge and the costs of their "expert" Prof. Stephen Harris disallowed; now a decision of the Crown Prosecutions Service that might have been far more tragic than anything the "Avon Vale Five" were facing.


My client, who shall remain nameless, was interviewed by police a few weeks ago in respect of an allegation that he had touched in a sexual manner two middle-aged females. These two ladies make a general nuisance of themselves in the vicinity of hunts in the Gloucestershire and Herefordshire areas and are frequently to be seen out with the Ross Harriers, the Cotswold Vale Farmers and other hunts in that general area.


I shan't name them but they know who they are.


They have always been regarded with benign amusement and tolerance by hunting folk. We are, after all, a benign and tolerant bunch, by and large.


However the allegations made against my client on this occasion were in a totally different league to the normal light-hearted abuse that passes between protestors and hunting people. They alleged that my client had forced his way into their Landrover and had at that stage touched the passenger sexually. Despite this they failed to protest to a Master and a former police officer who were nearby. Instead they allowed my client into the vehicle - this is AFTER the so-called "touching" of the passenger, mark you - and drove off intending to dump him some 5 miles away from the meet. The whole incident was filmed by the passenger whose dedication to the production of a feature length fictional movie AFTER she had been molested can only be regarded as dedication beyond the call of duty.


At the end of this 5 mile "kidnap" - with the video camera still running - the driver alleged that my client had grabbed her breast and she demanded that he should vacate the vehicle, which he duly did.


The police evidently didn't believe a word of it and nor did the CPS.




They hate hunting people with a real vengeance, and are clearly prepared to make false allegations that create SERIOUS trouble for anyone they think is capable of harming little animals "for sport".


Perhaps their presence at hunts should not be treated with as much tolerance as has become the case in recent years. They should be watched with as much care as we watch the balaclava-wearing baseball bat-wielding thugs with whom they associate.



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anyone who is stupid enough tp put up pictures or video clips of themselves and their dogs carrying out illegal acts deserve to get caught imo. Same goes for daft buggers who like to talk about what t

Fekin facebook ffs   Yeh must be aff yer heed to go on there,,

they had trouble making out what was on your photos

anyone who is stupid enough tp put up pictures or video clips of themselves and their dogs carrying out illegal acts deserve to get caught imo. Same goes for daft buggers who like to talk about what they get up to. The only place for pictures and the like is in your head, the safest phot album you'll ever get.

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Barrister Matthew Scott in today's Times: If the CPS were to prosecute a five-day child rape case in the Crown Court it might ask for costs of about £5,000. Why should a Magistrates Court prosecution for the infinitely less serious offence of hunting cost ten times that amount?

If the RSPCA wants to behave like a bully, it should not expect to keep its charitable status or its Royal Warrant for much longer.

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correct paulus, after all, the golden goose only lays so many eggs, and if that shower of shit want to rob nests, then the goose should be removed imo mate. Shower of fuckers as they are.

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