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how the f**k is that ?????



Bootsha; Have you not noticed yourself how the people 'complaining' about their sleep here are virtually All working 'unnatural' shifts, or what ever? Socks is probably the exception. But, then god knows what his military experience has done to His sub conscious.


Regarding your own ability to 'refresh' yourself from all out shattered to up 'n at 'em, in next to no time? That too is a recognised thing. Wasn't it Napoleon who was a bugger for dozing off in the saddle. Then his eyes popping open, minutes later, and him barking orders like a man on speed?


There are precedents for most things, it seems. We just need to look outside the boxes we've been squashed into.


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Exactly, Malt! (Brilliant article, by the way, isn't it?) I was talking to a mate about this only yesterday. As he said; 'Look at the livestock on the fields. Some will be laid down, having a kip, wh

Fell asleep a little later than usual last night, but been awake since 3.30 thinking about this thread.   TC

I can sleep in broad day light, always been able to sleep when ever i feel like it. Pisses the wife right off, as she struggles to sleep, and if she is woken, she can't get back to sleep.



:laugh: old habits die hard, 1 foot behind my ear and the other leg stretched out..


:icon_eek: Oh, f**king Pul Eeeease!!! :icon_eek:




i need a pic as ive tried to visualize this and its not working, :blink: a drawing will do. :laugh:

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i get (hallucinations) lot of times when been to sleep,? meaning i will wake up see movments in the bedroom, i scare the shit out of my wife lol . About month ago i saw the curtains been moved, so jump out of bed and go to grab whatever pulling them, another time i tried to pick a chair up to smash into the bedroom door, wife had to stop me it really scares her, the prob is i get violent. Same if i heard sombody down stairs i would go down like a bull in a china shop lol. I went to my GP and told him about it had to the wife was pissed off with it, the Doc said it was when i was in my (2nd) part sleep, and i was still a sleep when all these happens. :hmm: so what i do now is (try) and take no notice and keep thinking its a feckin dream :yes: lol

Thats some f****d up shit! :icon_eek:

I could not live with that... Your wife must love the bones off ye


no mate, she fed up with it + me, i have got better i have to work at it, its more when iam not tired that it may happen, when iam tired i sleep straight through.If go out and have 4 hours lamping ,or couple of pints no prob, it seems if i am not over tired it happens .?

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i need a pic as ive tried to visualize this and its not working,


I can't Stop f**king visualising it ! That's why I'll probably never sleep tonight now :laugh:


You know; The old " Difference between Light and Hard " thing! :icon_redface:

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:laugh: old habits die hard, 1 foot behind my ear and the other leg stretched out..



:icon_eek: Oh, f**king Pul Eeeease!!! :icon_eek:


i need a pic as ive tried to visualize this and its not working, :blink: a drawing will do. :laugh:

erm its hard to explain... I sort of lay on my side with my foot over my shoulder (im double jointed)

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Doc said it was when i was in my (2nd) part sleep



How refreshing that your GP is even aware of such 'detail' about sleep. Especially in view of what the article tells us :yes:



very true mate, i was shocked when he told me, i thought the feckin house was haunted at 1st lol. But he said its all in my head, its your (2nd) part sleep. And he told me there is alot of people who this happens to . thats why he knew so much about it :yes:

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i can go to bed knackerd but still cant get off when i do after a couple of hours i wake up for a piss then i get another couple of hours always up and about early -- have a power nap mid afternoon :icon_eek:

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:laugh: old habits die hard, 1 foot behind my ear and the other leg stretched out..


:icon_eek: Oh, f**king Pul Eeeease!!! :icon_eek:


i need a pic as ive tried to visualize this and its not working, :blink: a drawing will do. :laugh:

erm its hard to explain... I sort of lay on my side with my foot over my shoulder (im double jointed)


:laugh::laugh::laugh: ok you win i give in.

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I read once that Albert Einstein needed at least 10 hours sleep a night. Yet Thomas Eddison hardly ever went to bed as he claimed sleeping was a waist of time. He did however take naps during the day, he would sit on a stool with a spoon in his hand, at the moment he fell asleep his grip would relax on the spoon and it would fall on to a tin vessel placed between his feet. He claimed that the time it took for the spoon to leave his hand and reach the plate was all the sleep he needed? Till the next nap.


My sleep pattern is exactly the same as Socks I hit the sack and am out like a light but within 3 hrs am wide awake. I normally get up have a cuppa, although, sometimes I am able to get back to sleep.



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