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  On 09/05/2013 at 07:07, Carraghs Gem said:


  On 09/05/2013 at 06:49, forest of dean redneck said:


  On 09/05/2013 at 06:44, Carraghs Gem said:

I was layed awake worrying that the bin was going to blow over in the wind last night, im fooked tired now

Would it not been easier to get up and secure the bin?

I had secured the bin lol, my fella put the idea into my head that the wind would blow it over... if i had got up to check the bin id still be awake just freezing cold and soaking wet as well

If I had said that ,missus would told me to get out of bed and sort it out then,lol

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Exactly, Malt! (Brilliant article, by the way, isn't it?) I was talking to a mate about this only yesterday. As he said; 'Look at the livestock on the fields. Some will be laid down, having a kip, wh

Fell asleep a little later than usual last night, but been awake since 3.30 thinking about this thread.   TC

I can sleep in broad day light, always been able to sleep when ever i feel like it. Pisses the wife right off, as she struggles to sleep, and if she is woken, she can't get back to sleep.

  On 09/05/2013 at 10:00, brucemyster said:

I have to sleep wearing this baby, chronic sleep apnoea, stop breathing 68 times per hour when sleeping, so use this bi pap respirator


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  On 09/05/2013 at 10:00, brucemyster said:

I have to sleep wearing this baby, chronic sleep apnoea, stop breathing 68 times per hour when sleeping, so use this bi pap respirator

feck me that would do my head in .....

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  On 09/05/2013 at 10:31, the_stig said:


  On 09/05/2013 at 10:00, brucemyster said:

I have to sleep wearing this baby, chronic sleep apnoea, stop breathing 68 times per hour when sleeping, so use this bi pap respirator

feck me that would do my head in .....


yes seriously and yes it does do my head in, still trying to get used to it!! A true passion killer, the deluxe version

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  On 09/05/2013 at 10:16, baw said:


  On 09/05/2013 at 10:00, brucemyster said:

I have to sleep wearing this baby, chronic sleep apnoea, stop breathing 68 times per hour when sleeping, so use this bi pap respirator





fookin hell , i thought i had few probs, prob knowing my doc would give me crash-helmet :laugh: got lol or go daft :yes:

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I sleep like a brick. Once gone, out like a light until the alarm forces me up. I also have the ability to sleep pretty much anywhere (Years of student /shared houses teach you that) Once in Z mode I rarely get woken up BUT I can be a right mare if I am disturbed. As my neighbour deciding to start his party at 5.45 am on a Monday found out. You'd rather open the door to a rabid rottweiler with chainsaw teeth than me on a work night after being disturbed!

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  On 09/05/2013 at 11:41, bird said:


  On 09/05/2013 at 10:16, baw said:



  On 09/05/2013 at 10:00, brucemyster said:

I have to sleep wearing this baby, chronic sleep apnoea, stop breathing 68 times per hour when sleeping, so use this bi pap respirator



fookin hell , i thought i had few probs, prob knowing my doc would give me crash-helmet :laugh: got lol or go daft :yes:

I know ya bunch of moaning face b*****ds :laugh: insomnia......... Pfffft :D

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  On 09/05/2013 at 11:34, baw said:

Not trying to be funny mate but how do they find out you have that problem? Knowing my luck it would be with a postmortem lol

Found out in hospital recovering from a 50/50 op.

Have to be tested ever now and then, one night with a ipod size monitor strapped to my chest,two tubes up my nose and a pulse oximeter clipped to my finger. take it to the hospital the next day and they analyse the results.

The bi pap machine has an SD card that you send off every month

Edited by brucemyster
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brucemyster i,m the same as you i stop breathing i got a nippy s machine i,v been on a machine for 10 yrs and i attend hospital they keep me in over night every 6 month,s for checkup,s when i first had it they put me on a c-pap then a by-pap now the nippy-s

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  On 09/05/2013 at 08:15, lab-tastic said:


  On 09/05/2013 at 08:12, walshie said:


  On 09/05/2013 at 08:07, Born Hunter said:

Never had trouble sleeping................. getting up on the other hand............. LOL


I'm a f****r for sleep talking, I'll have full blown conversations with people while I'm fast asleep. The other night I had to feed the penguins a brisket apparently, found it very funny too, laughing in my sleep. :blink::laugh:


Apparently I talk in my sleep too. It's never woken me up though. I'm told I have chats with people - say my bit - leave a gap for them to reply - then carry on.


My most recent one is saying "to someone" - "Oh yes. Jack must be about 70 now. Used to drive lorries, but got one stuck under a bridge. Serves him right for not having his blood pressure taken." All this while sitting upright in bed with my eyes open! :laugh:


That would freak me out if i saw someone else doing it. :icon_eek:


I used to do that when i was younger....alot. Also used to run downstairs and watch the tv, but it wasnt switched on.... :icon_eek: Seemingly my Dad would ask me what i was doing, i'd say "Watching tv"...........he'd say "ok but you'd better going back to your bed?"......Then id just get up and go back to bed. Never minded a thing in the morning....freaky!!



You fuckers need exorcising!!!

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  On 09/05/2013 at 20:38, BIGLURKS said:

Nothing natural about my sleeping I get about 4/5 hours a night and I snore like a wilder beast

My brother in laws like that, next time we go for a visit im sleeping in my van for a bit of peace, i swear the whole house shakes with his snoring

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