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Dog Being Sick, Can't Work It Out

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I am going to take my dog to the vet soon but I am not sure if I am just paranoid and would ideally not waste money. My dog has been sick on occasion, which I have just put down to various expected things like him drinking right after running around in the sun, or ate something a bit dodgy on a walk. He is a bit of a dirty b*****d and might eat things I don't notice, so on the odd occasion he has thrown up a bit I have no worried.


But yesterday he was sick three times, all liquidy and so I was going to get him to a vet today just to see if they could offer advice. But then I doubt myself as he perfectly happy in himself, eats and drinks well and is full of energy so he could have just had a bad stomach from eating something weird again...


Does anyone else have a dog that gets sick easily from drinking foul water or fox poo etc??

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is he eating grass, and is the sick a yellow colour?


I have seen him eat grass a few times yes, so I thought maybe he had a bad stomach from drinking water from all the horrible ponds around here (proper boggy peat ones, black water sometimes). But the sick is usually just a clear liquid as if he had an empty stomach, not often anything in it...might be yellowish but it's hard to tell on the carpet to be honest.

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sunstroke? maybe to much sun ...


Not sure about full on sunstroke but he doesn't seem to do too well in the sun, but has taken to basking in it by the window so I have started closing the curtains because I was sure that was why. But then that doesn't explain last night as he had already had his last walk of the day and was just randomly sick

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is he eating grass, and is the sick a yellow colour?


I have seen him eat grass a few times yes, so I thought maybe he had a bad stomach from drinking water from all the horrible ponds around here (proper boggy peat ones, black water sometimes). But the sick is usually just a clear liquid as if he had an empty stomach, not often anything in it...might be yellowish but it's hard to tell on the carpet to be honest.


its possibly just a build up of bile. is he only being fed once a day? and is he on a RAW diet?

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is he eating grass, and is the sick a yellow colour?


I have seen him eat grass a few times yes, so I thought maybe he had a bad stomach from drinking water from all the horrible ponds around here (proper boggy peat ones, black water sometimes). But the sick is usually just a clear liquid as if he had an empty stomach, not often anything in it...might be yellowish but it's hard to tell on the carpet to be honest.


its possibly just a build up of bile. is he only being fed once a day? and is he on a RAW diet?



Not on Raw/BARF, but I do want to move him to a meat only diet quite soon but at the moment he is fed twice a day on a working dog dried food, one cup in the morning and two in the evening.

He is walked three times a day, 45-60mins first thing in the morning, lunch time for about 30 mins and then a long walk in the evening about 60-120mins and is always walked and allowed to cool down before he is fed. He is always off lead so has the chance to eat and drink all sorts of things without me necessarily catching him...

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is he eating grass, and is the sick a yellow colour?


I have seen him eat grass a few times yes, so I thought maybe he had a bad stomach from drinking water from all the horrible ponds around here (proper boggy peat ones, black water sometimes). But the sick is usually just a clear liquid as if he had an empty stomach, not often anything in it...might be yellowish but it's hard to tell on the carpet to be honest.


its possibly just a build up of bile. is he only being fed once a day? and is he on a RAW diet?



Not on Raw/BARF, but I do want to move him to a meat only diet quite soon but at the moment he is fed twice a day on a working dog dried food, one cup in the morning and two in the evening.

He is walked three times a day, 45-60mins first thing in the morning, lunch time for about 30 mins and then a long walk in the evening about 60-120mins and is always walked and allowed to cool down before he is fed. He is always off lead so has the chance to eat and drink all sorts of things without me necessarily catching him...


That will be the same for all dogs when out mooching though so I suspect unless he's eaten something different then It might be something else, Bile build up can also be a sign of an irritable bowl as well as an inflammation of the bowl. The causes can be numerous things, as long as he's still eating and drinking normally I wouldn't worry to much at the minute mate, he's not dehydrated or anything, I take it?

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A vets advice is always good if unsur, try to take a sample of the sick with you.


From a laymans perspective, hot dogs will often drink too much in an attempt to cool down and this commonly results in them vomiting some back up. So if its happening in this circumstance restrict the amount it drinks when hot to a couple of laps at each water point on a hot walk/run and when it first gets home to cool the mouth etc then allow plenty of water once its cooled down. You can splash water on the dogs underbelly, legs etc to help to cool it.

Regards s

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Yeah he passes stools like a champion (not runny), in every sense he is absolutely fine and eats well with a good appetite. He runs around after rabbits etc like he always does and this is why he hasn't been to the vets, I am wondering if there is anything else that maybe he sensitive to. He has been wormed regularly and was last wormed only a week or so ago, so I have ruled that out unless the medication I got from the vets isn't very good.


Cheers for all the replies and help, now its cooler weather I can see how he goes, then vets tomorrow if there is any sick tonight because last night was clear.

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It may well be something he intermittently eats out walking - one of mine eats sticky plant/goose grass ( the stuff that sticks to your trouser legs, whatever you call it in your part of the country ) and is always sick after. If he has an empty stomach when he eats it, it is often yellow bile and froth that comes back, just because the reversal of the stomach/intestine movement brings bile from the intestine into the stomach with it. If he has eaten or drunk recently, then it is clear water/froth/sometimes some food, as the vomit only happens from the stomach. I would be surprised if it was worms, if none appeared in the vomit, but certainly heat can do it, as has been mentioned.


I never worry too much about vomiting like that if the dog is fine in all other respects - it is a protective mechanism, and fairly easily triggered.

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It may well be something he intermittently eats out walking - one of mine eats sticky plant/goose grass ( the stuff that sticks to your trouser legs, whatever you call it in your part of the country ) and is always sick after. If he has an empty stomach when he eats it, it is often yellow bile and froth that comes back, just because the reversal of the stomach/intestine movement brings bile from the intestine into the stomach with it. If he has eaten or drunk recently, then it is clear water/froth/sometimes some food, as the vomit only happens from the stomach. I would be surprised if it was worms, if none appeared in the vomit, but certainly heat can do it, as has been mentioned.


I never worry too much about vomiting like that if the dog is fine in all other respects - it is a protective mechanism, and fairly easily triggered.

i had the same protection from vodka/redbull when i was younger :laugh: :laugh:

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