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If you sent it to his home go a head post his name and adress on here so if he changes his user name we still be aware who he is Agree with Matty Rouges gallery named and shamed /safe dealer gallery prehaps Have you informed the mods mate ? lets keep this post for all to see

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Hope he reads this your a f***ing scamming horrible person this site is to help people and advise people and it gives people chance to exchange or sell or buy . It makes it easy to do so because we all have similar interest . So if your on here and all you want to do is scam and make money from people with similar interest then don't f***ing bother at least have the bollocks to confront the person you have had over or do the right thing and send there money back you f***ing scruff.

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Yeah, that's right!! I'm sitting here a bit scared about the rude words that Maggot, Mattyf and Fran have wrote! They seem like hard nuts. I'm gonna jump in with them. This thieving penis has probably used the money to buy cheap cider and then downloaded photo's of Maggots mum off of the internet! He's an a*sehole!!

I reckon he's used some of the cash to buy Mattyf's dads soiled pants off of eBay or one of the gay dogging site that he advertises them on!! What a w*nker!!!




Or maybe he is having a few problems and you need to wind your necks in. Do you think c@nting someone off is going to make them come on here and answer your posts? In fairness maggot and mattyf should be sorting out their sicko parents before they come on here sticking their noses in.


Fran, calm down, it's only £15!! If you haven't got your jacket by next week, I'll give you the money myself. Or you could file court papers in the small claims court.


Read the small print..............PLEASE ALLOW 28 DAYS FOR DELIVERY!!

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I've just spoken to Rascal and he explained that he's had limited internet. He was going to contact you after work but after all the name calling he said " F@ck 'im!! He's got my address, if he's got the balls he'll come down and explain himself to my face! I'll shove the £15 and the jacket up his a*se!"

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  On 28/05/2013 at 13:51, kranky said:

Yeah, that's right!! I'm sitting here a bit scared about the rude words that Maggot, Mattyf and Fran have wrote! They seem like hard nuts. I'm gonna jump in with them. This thieving penis has probably used the money to buy cheap cider and then downloaded photo's of Maggots mum off of the internet! He's an a*sehole!!

I reckon he's used some of the cash to buy Mattyf's dads soiled pants off of eBay or one of the gay dogging site that he advertises them on!! What a w*nker!!!




Or maybe he is having a few problems and you need to wind your necks in. Do you think c@nting someone off is going to make them come on here and answer your posts? In fairness maggot and mattyf should be sorting out their sicko parents before they come on here sticking their noses in.


Fran, calm down, it's only £15!! If you haven't got your jacket by next week, I'll give you the money myself. Or you could file court papers in the small claims court.


Read the small print..............PLEASE ALLOW 28 DAYS FOR DELIVERY!!


What are you...his mum? :laugh:


If someone's paid for something, even if it's only 15p, the seller should hand it over instead of hiding.

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Take this to pm lads or forget about it. I have contacted rascal and im awaiting a reply.

Yes it's a shite thing to do taking somebody's hard earned and not sending the goods or not replying.

BUT if you posted out cash fran then your just as daft.

Read the classifieds rules before you buy or sell.

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Upon request by rascal I have opened this thread so he can have his say.


Keep your empty threats to yourselves and please keep it civil.


I hope you get it sorted fran one way or another.

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  On 28/05/2013 at 13:51, kranky said:

Yeah, that's right!! I'm sitting here a bit scared about the rude words that Maggot, Mattyf and Fran have wrote! They seem like hard nuts. I'm gonna jump in with them. This thieving penis has probably used the money to buy cheap cider and then downloaded photo's of Maggots mum off of the internet! He's an a*sehole!!

I reckon he's used some of the cash to buy Mattyf's dads soiled pants off of eBay or one of the gay dogging site that he advertises them on!! What a w*nker!!!




Or maybe he is having a few problems and you need to wind your necks in. Do you think c@nting someone off is going to make them come on here and answer your posts? In fairness maggot and mattyf should be sorting out their sicko parents before they come on here sticking their noses in.


Fran, calm down, it's only £15!! If you haven't got your jacket by next week, I'll give you the money myself. Or you could file court papers in the small claims court.


Read the small print..............PLEASE ALLOW 28 DAYS FOR DELIVERY!!


It was paid for on the 25th April so sorry but that's that out the window. Let's not f**k our own lads about eh??


Crack on and get it sent ;)

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  On 29/05/2013 at 00:10, RubyTex said:


  On 28/05/2013 at 13:51, kranky said:

Yeah, that's right!! I'm sitting here a bit scared about the rude words that Maggot, Mattyf and Fran have wrote! They seem like hard nuts. I'm gonna jump in with them. This thieving penis has probably used the money to buy cheap cider and then downloaded photo's of Maggots mum off of the internet! He's an a*sehole!!

I reckon he's used some of the cash to buy Mattyf's dads soiled pants off of eBay or one of the gay dogging site that he advertises them on!! What a w*nker!!!




Or maybe he is having a few problems and you need to wind your necks in. Do you think c@nting someone off is going to make them come on here and answer your posts? In fairness maggot and mattyf should be sorting out their sicko parents before they come on here sticking their noses in.


Fran, calm down, it's only £15!! If you haven't got your jacket by next week, I'll give you the money myself. Or you could file court papers in the small claims court.


Read the small print..............PLEASE ALLOW 28 DAYS FOR DELIVERY!!


It was paid for on the 25th April so sorry but that's that out the window. Let's not f**k our own lads about eh??


Crack on and get it sent ;)


You're a bit confused..............................It's not my jacket and I never sold it.


As regards anything else, I couldn't give a shit now. Fran's acted like a junior gangster, got his facts wrong, gobbed off and then disappeared. At least Mattyf had the balls to act like a man and apologise.

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