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Its A Longnet Of Some Sort!


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Traditional net I set at knee height,there or there abouts,I do have quick sets and I move them down the poles to be about the same,I know some people would say they can be jumped,and they can, in my experience when a rabbit is coming in in the dark at speed very few think of jumping, most turn back into the field run another 20yds or so,and go in again,and thats where the bag in the net does its job, the beuty about the knee height you can adjust in the dark quietly, there are alot of good longnetters on here for advice, and all have there own little tricks, what you will learn is not all them will work for you, but most will, and you will develop you own method very quickly, which will be along the same lines as there's, quick set or traditional,is a matter of preference try both, and practice practice and practice ,you will soon start to favour one or the other,There are loads of hints tips and equipment advice on here,in neednt be expensive,good luck and trust me its adictive,

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i dont know where your getting the idea ive got cash stashed under the mattress......cars just gone tiits up now :yes::bad:


i seen on of joes longnet baskets....also seen on he made out of a blue barrel...fancy giving that a go. looks the bollockks :yes:

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Your loaded your the Paracord king


Your poles should be every seven steps or so ,those things are going to be clunking off each other making some noise .If your no going to but the poles cut some hazel and after its dried swap them over

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i dont know where your getting the idea ive got cash stashed under the mattress......cars just gone tiits up now :yes::bad:


i seen on of joes longnet baskets....also seen on he made out of a blue barrel...fancy giving that a go. looks the bollockks :yes:

Was gonna put you on to them bud this morning, but thought , your such a regular..

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Your loaded your the Paracord king


Your poles should be every seven steps or so ,those things are going to be clunking off each other making some noise .If your no going to but the poles cut some hazel and after its dried swap them over


Ferkin hell... theyre plastic and wont make a noise.


Set 10 steps apart.


Ach well. I gave it a go :laugh:

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If yer ever doon my side of the woods, i will show you how to net with one of CRs stainless baskets with proper fibre glass poles, then will show you how to run out a traditional with end pins and hazel pegs.

What a top offer take him up on it, goodman country joe top bloke
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  • 2 weeks later...

had it out late on this afternoon....set it up and left it for 2 hours....


adjacent to a woodblock with lots of rabbits.


only needed one rabbit for the ferrets this weekend as im away to the yorkshire...save defrosting any....


came back around 9.30 with the whippet and she gave chase to one that hit the net.


mission accomplished....


not sure if this is the right way to go about it....


but ive never seen....let alone..used a longnet...


so ive done this off my own back...


any pointers appreciated :thumbs:



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if the Whippet raised a Rabbit and chased it into the net, then its working, still cant get over them poles :whistling:

if the Whippet raised a Rabbit and chased it into the net, then its working, still cant get over them poles :whistling:

you make do with what youve got mate :yes:

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You can have a lot of fun with that set up and a dog. If you have an area where there are bramble patches where the rabbits lay up in. Watch the dog it will tell you if there is anything in a patch, if it marks a patch stop it before it goes in, the surround the patch with the net, or better still try to work out where the rabbit is going to run too and place the net to intercept it. You will not get it right at first but you will sure as hell learn a lot. Bushing with a pointer and a 25 yard net is absolutely brilliant sport.


You also learn to improvise when setting the net as the ground can be somewhat unpredictable.







Edited by tiercel
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