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Which Pellet For Theoben Evo

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just wandering if anyone here owns a theo evolution as my mates just got his today in .22 and was told jsb heavies.but after nearly a full tin they wasnt grouping the best.i generally go with lighter pellets in springers/gasram and heavy in pcp so im thinking standard jsb might be better.but would rather hear from others that have one for some advice on which to try next. by the way the rifle is absolutley lovely,it shoots as smooth as you could ask for and is very well balanced.im really impressed by the quality of it.any help would be great cheers jason

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I had an evo a few years ago, at a time when my shooting wasn't good enough to get the best from it, unfortunately. As I recall though, it got on really well with accupell/crossman premiers, so it might be worth trying them out mate. They are nice rifles, they can be a bit hard on scopes if you don't use a damper mount so be warned!


Hope this helps, wurz

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A bloke down the club has one, and he tried jsb's, all over the place with three quarter inch groups at 35 yards, .22 accupells (rested) produce 9 mm 5 shot groups at same distance.

Definately get a dampa mount, gas rams are scope killers ! cheaper in the long run.


atb phil

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