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Coursing Saplings, What Age Do You Give Them To?

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Well folks, for the ones that did coursing pre ban in uk and for the ones that do it now here in ireland, when bringing up a sapling, how long would you give it before you decide if its going to make the grade or not? How many runs would you let it have and by watching the runs, know of it will do the job well or not? Some say, once they reach 10 to 12 month, get them going on a few hares, others wait till their 18 month or more? What is your way of entering your saplings? each to their own i suppose, but would like to hear your opinions and experiences on the matter, thanks. :thumbs:

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I will wager that 99% of the top coursing dogs past and present wernt waited with until 15 month before they were galloped,most would have had plenty of game put infront of them by then and the goodun

they all individual , they deffo no be ready any younger than 8 month some will and can kill at that age wether they should be allowed to is another matter, most times young dogs are entered when quarry is softer, problem is grounds often harder and tyhisa can efgfect their overall lastability ie more injuries occuring cos they ran too hard before bones tendons etc ready worse still if their not mentalluy ready, only the owner who sees the dog every day knows when his dog is ready............................................

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they all individual , they deffo no be ready any younger than 8 month some will and can kill at that age wether they should be allowed to is another matter, most times young dogs are entered when quarry is softer, problem is grounds often harder and tyhisa can efgfect their overall lastability ie more injuries occuring cos they ran too hard before bones tendons etc ready worse still if their not mentalluy ready, only the owner who sees the dog every day knows when his dog is ready............................................


Agree, their all different. I also think, getting them out from young, learning to cross fences ect, helps a lot in the long run. Pup i have at the moment, is just over 11 month, she was very puppyish up till now, but over the last week, she is starting to click very well, getting more with it. Over the summer, i will see how she does on the odd one and take it from their.

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The bigger the dog, the longer the wait. But they're all individuals and you should know when to try it by observing how they progress on a weekly basis. You can't really go by age, in general. :thumbs:

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they all individual , they deffo no be ready any younger than 8 month some will and can kill at that age wether they should be allowed to is another matter, most times young dogs are entered when quarry is softer, problem is grounds often harder and tyhisa can efgfect their overall lastability ie more injuries occuring cos they ran too hard before bones tendons etc ready worse still if their not mentalluy ready, only the owner who sees the dog every day knows when his dog is ready............................................

agree with that 100% got a 8

Month old saluki whippet grey, he could maybe catch a few rabbits now but I still think he's not ready like u say only the owner knows when there dog is ready

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