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Well guys my court date is here (Tuesday) but since the last time me and the misses have sorted things out which is all good, back in January I had my 3 shotguns taken from me by the police as my misses said I threatend her since then she has dropped everything and said she made it all up so she's had a phone call today to say its been thrown out of court and that's the end of it, so I ran the firearms to see what was happening and they told me they will deal with it as and when they want! My question is do you think il get them back as I was arrested for false alligations! Atb guys

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Aren`t you a member of Sacs ? or Basc ?   You shouldn`t be sitting about accepting this.   The police are there to UPHOLD the law, not ENFORCE it   If a court has not taken the guns from you, th

Hey guys well today was court and i didn't have to go so rang the firearms and told them what went on and that it was made up so he said he'll get on the case just got to wait a couple more days! Then

I don't see they can hold it against you , if its thrown out of court its no case to answer even better than a not guilty I would think .Your wife is lucky they never charged her with wasting police

I don't see they can hold it against you , if its thrown out of court its no case to answer even better than a not guilty I would think .Your wife is lucky they never charged her with wasting police time ( not that they don't waste loads of it them selves ).good luck

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I was in magistrates 3 times and crown court 4 times last year over the same incident, I was accused of assault. Which was down to a mate I was with. I was found not guilty.


My FAO was on the phone once a month after the initial visit, and having told him my old certificate went through the wash my new one was in my hand a week after I was cleared of all charges.But he never took my certificate or guns away. :hmm:


Every case is different, and so is every police force.........So no one on here will be able to tell you for sure. But I think you will get them back.


Might be different if you have given them cause for concern before though......

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a guy here had a burst up with his daughter she phoned the police saying he slapped her in the heat of the moment , the cops came lifted his guns ,shotguns and rifle a week later she phone the police saying it wasn't true she made it up .She was charged with wasting police time and he didn't get his guns back

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Being in bristol you will have a tough time of it your department is run by the same guy that doesbfixed penalties and he knows nothing about shooting, and cares even less about shooters, I know because I have been through it

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Hey guys well today was court and i didn't have to go so rang the firearms and told them what went on and that it was made up so he said he'll get on the case just got to wait a couple more days! Then should have my guns back!

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ring them up and tell them if they dont hurry up and give your guns back.,......that you will be down there and shoot there knee caps off .........lol :laugh:

well done good result ,........hope you slapped the old girl as that is a cruel trick to play....... :thumbs::tongue2:

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Funny thing is when it happens you think your the only one, i did and i kept it quiet not wanting people to think i was a twat and no smoke without fire, but since this posting it seems that it is not un-common, i was 9 months without mine, I swore at the guy that was having an affair with my wife he went to the police and told them i threatened to kill him, i got a warning for a section 5 public order offence for swearing at him, and no action on the theat to kill even though they said they had a witness, it was a load of old bollocks fabricated by a dole scrounger and a slapper.

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