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A Test Day For Tilly With Some Cracking Pics From Chalkwarren ..........

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I had a job on today that I thought would be ideal for Tilly ... At 7 months I decided that it was time to give her a full days ferreting to see how she coped ... Now anybody that has read any of my p

It was nice to hook up yesterday and have a quiet walk out,..it has been a year or so, since me and Sock's stood over a warren together..I don't venture into his area of the South much, as most of my

Fully understand your reasoning fellah,...and a jukel that takes it into his head, to worry livestock,..is usually on a one way ticket to lie forever in,.ground zero...     All the best, Chalkwarr

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So how is dusty bred socks or is it a secret? Haha


Dusty has been bred, from a Three quarter Greyhound/Collie (with a smidgen of the Desert Dawg)....on the top side,....put over a large 'hard-blood' Whippet bitch....

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She is a nice sort in the pics chalkwarren and even tho they are good pics I have a feeling they don't do her justice. Had a bitch bred quite similar about ten years ago. I crossed her to a fast hare dog but we never got to see the pups ful potential due to thiefs. All the best with her and any future pups she may have

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She is a nice sort in the pics chalkwarren and even tho they are good pics I have a feeling they don't do her justice. Had a bitch bred quite similar about ten years ago. I crossed her to a fast hare dog but we never got to see the pups ful potential due to thiefs. All the best with her and any future pups she may have

You are correct the pictures don't do her justice ... She is a very canny wee bitch and very handy at a variety of quarry .........

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Cracking photos but id not be too keen on my dog chasing livestock

The dog was not CHASING livestock she was set to task to move them then recalled back to the warren to carry on ferreting ... a truly versatile canine ..........

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I'm with socks on this,, it's a very useful attribute for a dog to be able to shift stock,,,, in the right way,,, that old kelpie cros of mine was the same as soon as the cows or bullocks got to close she would give tounge ,,, and shift em,,, very very handy thing.


Good day you gents had,, and stop eating them bacon butties.......lol

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Cracking photos but id not be too keen on my dog chasing livestock


Fully understand your reasoning fellah,...and a jukel that takes it into his head, to worry livestock,..is usually on a one way ticket to lie forever in,.ground zero... :yes:



All the best, Chalkwarren..

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