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Jill Losing Weight

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Yeah she could well be older, like I said I got her as a rescue so don't no her history or age, but she does have a scraggy look about her even when she has all her coat. Yeah she is definitely spayed as it was done by the RSPCA or a partner of theirs, before I got her. I will just keep an eye on her and see how she does, hopefully it is just her getting older, as like I said she is my best worker and I'm using her to show my other Jill and the 2 young jobs the ropes next season.

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I agree with The One, she does look quite old.


Castrated males can still have the horn for four weeks after the op, sometimes even six.


Orange/reddish scab looking things could be flea bite marks, fleas can also cause ferrets to have allergies that cause itching and hair loss. Although it would be strange the other ferrets aren't showing signs. Wet some toilet paper and touch it onto the scabs, if the orange/red colour spreads onto the paper then there's a good chance its fleas. If it doesn't then you could rule that out.

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I'll try that now and see what happens, although like you said it's not happening to any of the others. I sprayed some frontline on her and the others just in case so hopefully that will stop the fleas if they are there.

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As said mine went like that for a few years but it didnt affect there quality of life , and they returned to normal and regrew there fur each October and they lived a contented life till they died in there sleep , So as long as shes happy let her do her own thing and see what October brings

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