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Pocket Ferrets.....


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I do put my kitt in there for a couple of mins just so i can manage the other fert or do something else. but as a rule i dont really walk around with a fert in my pocket, incase you fall and squasht the wee fecker and it could get too warm in there for him / her

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Errrmm no lol......


Although I once brung one of my ferrets night fishing (with the box for it to sleep in) but me and my mate were sitting out talking. My mate had the ferret asleep in his jacket pocket at the time and it done a huge sloppy shit in his pocket, I have honestly never laughed so much in my life :rofl: My ribs were in pain! Its was also in mid winter and he only had one jacket with him :rofl: rofl: What a weekend that was, im sitting here laughing at it now :haha:

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If anyone can get a ferret to stay still long enough to travel any distence they've got to be carrying a dead ferret in there pocket, a sturdy carry box is best to avoid accidents :D

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Guest little_lloyd

If im ferreting somewhere i shouldnt be :whistling: Then i take one of my Jills in the coat pocket with some straw and the other pockets full of nets/locators/collars and my folding spade :thumbs:


I call the old wax jacket what now stinks of pheasant poults :sick: The poachers coat my mum makes me keep it out side it smells so much :haha: I carry my kits round in a pocket coz my mate whos having the jill wants to have her used to travelling in the coat pocket.


I wonder if you can still get those old coats they called poachers coats where you could carry a gun inside my grandad used to tell me about they coats.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

I always got my ferrets accustomed to travelling 'about my person' from the time they left the jill. In my pockets. Inside my bomber jacket. On the collar of my sheepskin. Just running through my hands.


But that was when I was just going about my business in town. I'm actually writing this with a Jack Russel asleep across my shoulders. Doesn't mean I'd go out mouching with the damn thing on my shoulders though, does it? And when I went ferreting, my ferrets were carried inside a proper, purpose built box.


Believe me, it's quite a differant ball game, out there on the hill. Kneeling. Pushing into places. Yes, and falling flat on ye face on wet grass or frosty sticks. Sooner or later ye ferret will pay for such bad and lazy husbandry.


Think lugging a box is inconveniant? Try adding a hundred nets. Then imagine the joys of carrying that lot, plus thirty odd dead rabbits back, several miles across country. Great fun, I can assure ye. Been there. Done that.


Bag's no good either. Sooner or later ye'll tread back on it. Though probably not before it becomes sodden. Or the ferret digs its way out.


Please don't look for ways to reinvent the wheel. It's the way it is because others have learned, by trial and error down the millenia, that the way it is is what works best.


We shoulder our kit and trudge on our way. Or we'd be better staying at home contemplating our 'nice' jumpers. No short cuts.

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I always got my ferrets accustomed to travelling 'about my person' from the time they left the jill. In my pockets. Inside my bomber jacket. On the collar of my sheepskin. Just running through my hands.


But that was when I was just going about my business in town. I'm actually writing this with a Jack Russel asleep across my shoulders. Doesn't mean I'd go out mouching with the damn thing on my shoulders though, does it? And when I went ferreting, my ferrets were carried inside a proper, purpose built box.


Believe me, it's quite a differant ball game, out there on the hill. Kneeling. Pushing into places. Yes, and falling flat on ye face on wet grass or frosty sticks. Sooner or later ye ferret will pay for such bad and lazy husbandry.


Think lugging a box is inconveniant? Try adding a hundred nets. Then imagine the joys of carrying that lot, plus thirty odd dead rabbits back, several miles across country. Great fun, I can assure ye. Been there. Done that.


Bag's no good either. Sooner or later ye'll tread back on it. Though probably not before it becomes sodden. Or the ferret digs its way out.


Please don't look for ways to reinvent the wheel. It's the way it is because others have learned, by trial and error down the millenia, that the way it is is what works best.


We shoulder our kit and trudge on our way. Or we'd be better staying at home contemplating our 'nice' jumpers. No short cuts.

:clapper::clapper::clapper::notworthy: That was a brilliant reply Ditchy!! Artemis, my main concern whilst out hunting with the ferrets is them being all squashed up in my car for hours on end and then trudged around the coutryside in the same little box - which i might add, is more than suitable whilst ferreting, it keeps them safe and gives me something to sit on :laugh::laugh: What i do is have them in the car in a cat carrying box which is ample room for them, there is bedding in there with wood shavings in the back corner and a water bottle attatched to the front. When we get to our destination the ferrets are then transferred into the bow back ferret box and my pockets are full of nets and pegs!! No room for ferrets in there Im afraid. :D part of the fun of the hunting trip is getting prepared and lugging all manner of equipment around the country side. Dont worry, you'll find that out for yourself soon enough. :yes:

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Think lugging a box is inconveniant? Try adding a hundred nets. Then imagine the joys of carrying that lot, plus thirty odd dead rabbits back, several miles across country. Great fun, I can assure ye. Been there. Done that.


try all that after you've just fallen and torn your ankle ligiments and have to make it back to the car using your spade as a crutch,then when you reach the car make the mistake of taking your wellie off :icon_eek: sorts the men from the boys.

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try all that after you've just fallen and torn your ankle ligiments and have to make it back to the car using your spade as a crutch,then when you reach the car make the mistake of taking your wellie off :icon_eek: sorts the men from the boys.





If it's all the same I'd rather not.






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Guest little_lloyd
my mates ferret will stay in his pocket when we go ferreting coz he is to lazy to carry a box but my ferret wont stay still


Probally beacuse of all the blackbirds and wrens you shoot and feed it :feck::doh:TWAT

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