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Time For A *@^%@*! Anti Cull

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Been going to one of my perms for a while now, Its an awkward one because I got the land to control the rabbits as they are destroying the old womans garden. The damage is clearly visible and its evident there is plenty of rabbits there but in the last 6 months of going twice a week I must have seen 8 rabbits in total. It pisses me off but I keep going and showing my face at different times because as a bonus I get to shoot the pigeons and they are f***ing everywhere. To my surprise today I hit gold. Finally found where the rabbits are coming from, turned the corner and about 15 of them made for the burrows. I nearly wet myself with excitement so I found a nice little spot in range and sat down to wait . had a scan across with the lamp and nothing so back off and another little wait. Lamp on and bingo two nice rabbits sat just out of range. Lamp off and I started to crawl over to them stopping to check they are still there. Had a quick look around and put my eye to the scope when I heard a bang. Looked up and there was a fella in one of the bordering houses stood in his kitchen window banging and the rabbits bolted. He disappeared after realizing I was ignoring him. Sat for another few minutes and had another scan when he let his dog in the garden that ran around constantly barking its head off and left the security light on lighting the whole f***ing field up I was fuming!!! Waited about 20 mins and just had to face the fact that hes a cu*t and rabbits arent going to show so time to head home in a mood!

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I feel for you buddy :thumbs: a good write-up that even though you were messed about .

I know what I would do just to even the score , launch some goodies over the fence something that will give the dog the skitts then sit back and wait for the fun :laugh: he'll probably keep the dog in after that :thumbs: let us know how it goes :thumbs:

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His garden backs onto the permission but to walk round to his front door is about a mile and Ive walked about 5 hours today so I really couldnt be arsed. He knows aswell as we all do that he cant do anything. I might set a hide up against that hedge next time i decoy with the 12's. constant boom boom :)

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If I put my 'diplomatic' hat on I've got to say that I agree with almost all of the suggestions above.


What Ruby says is pretty good in that the bloke in the house may not be aware that you've got permission to be there. Therefore, when he sees a light out the back of his house, he may think it's poachers. Equally, he doesn't know that you're only carrying an air rifle and so it unlikely to cause any injury to him, his family or damage to his property.


Also what The One suggests is a good idea. In fact, I'd suggest that you carry out this idea first and then, if all is well with the landowner, move onto Ruby's tactic. What you hear from your 'customer' may change it all. I seem to recall that Zini had a thread on here once that talked about him losing a permission on a local allotment. The story went on to say that he'd almost had his gun run over by the new chair(wo)man of the committee who, it would seem, was the main protagonist. On investigation, it turned out that she'd had her son killed in Afghanistan the year before. So - 'nuf said, me thinks.


You never know the story behind the actions until you ask.


So. now taking off my 'diplomatic' hat and typing what the devil on my shoulder is saying................ :diablo:


If it turns out he's just a bloody anti and acting the prat, go for Pil's option. That thought of him cleaning up all that sh1t will give you something to giggle about when there's no bunnies around.


Then go with Mole's idea and buy some NV. He'll be hard pushed to be able to see you then.

Edited by PaulEamonn
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His garden backs onto the permission but to walk round to his front door is about a mile and Ive walked about 5 hours today so I really couldnt be arsed. He knows aswell as we all do that he cant do anything. I might set a hide up against that hedge next time i decoy with the 12's. constant boom boom :)

Great idea, but dont forget about the 50ft rule, just pace off 15 mtrs its still very close, but nothing he can do about it.

good luck ! :angel:


atb phil

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You're right Ghillies, it doesn't cost much to make up your own NV. As with everything else, it depends on the quality you want and then you get what you pay for.


I've recently made up one of the 'Digi Rat Spotters' (I should probably put the copyright sign next to that name!) that Zini developed and showed on Youtube. The whole lot only cost me about 40 quid. All that I'd need to do to change it into a digital NV would be sort out some sort of contraption to hold the camera on the back of the scope and the IR somewhere else.


Now, don't get all excited here. I've got to tell you that this isn't an NS200 or even an NS50 at a bargain price. But it should enable you to see eyeshine out to 25 or 30 yards and get a clear shot at not much less. As Zini showed on one of his videos, he could quite clearly see a tree at about 45 yards while testing out the DRS MkIII.


Just to give you a shove in the right direction, if you want to enhance the distance and clarity, it is the IR source that you need to improve. I've got a laser IR and when I combined it with the DRS, it lit up my 1 acre garden. The rest of the DRS is up to the job for seeing the extra distance.


Best of luck with it. You never know, this plonker you're having trouble with may have forced you to open up a completely new side to your hunting. Better still, if he is an 'anti' and is doing this to stop you shooting the rabbits, you using NV will likely work in the completely opposite direction to his intentions. :laugh:

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