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Explored A Small Stately Home

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That's a shame. CG. As, I feel, is the thought of someone living there till recently. Wasn't a last of the line individual, was it? I mean, with a couple of rooms being left to rot out, it hardly speaks of a vibrant family who simply moved on.


I get more the impression of some lonely soul. Pottering about the place. Living out their final days in a world now void of colour and joy :(




Sorry. Drifted off there for a minute. Started thinking about my own situation ....! :icon_eek:

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ime sure the tea leaves have a field day on that site.lol

Got permission to explore a small (8 bedroom) derelict stately home yesterday... Pics arent the best lol          

Just had a quick google, and found a forum dedicated to derelict buildings.   Endless threads and pictures inside of derelict buildings, f**k I could kill hours looking at this   http://www.der

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I'd love to have a look around some old derelict buildings.


There's a huge old derelict factory I pass on the way to Brighton, Someone probably knows what it was? I'd love to have a mooch around in there.

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Haha, think it was pretty much like that... either last of a line or family not interested in the place, hasnt been a family in that house for a long time... Maybe elderly siblings living in poverty... Shame really. The barn could be turned into an apartment for teenagers or even a indoor swimming pool... My husbands nephew (well hes 2yrs younger than me ) is an architect amd would love a house like this as a project

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I'd love to have a look around some old derelict buildings.


There's a huge old derelict factory I pass on the way to Brighton, Someone probably knows what it was? I'd love to have a mooch around in there.


I'd love to have a look around some old derelict buildings.


There's a huge old derelict factory I pass on the way to Brighton, Someone probably knows what it was? I'd love to have a mooch around in there.


Lifes too short, if you can find a way in go for a peek (bring a camera ;) )
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The floor has gone in the entrance hall and the dining room... Looks like a recent thing

thats a nice stone floor in the kitchen aswell weve got some turn over the years outta them oul places working at the demolition lol.
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That staircase is george 3rd worth a few quid the dressers are 4oo each any other oul pruck lying about .is it near galway lol.

1st Thing I Clocked Was The Staircase ;) !
aye.picture it stripped n polished in some fancy barn conversion.
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The floor has gone in the entrance hall and the dining room... Looks like a recent thing

thats a nice stone floor in the kitchen aswell weve got some turn over the years outta them oul places working at the demolition lol.


The floor has gone in the entrance hall and the dining room... Looks like a recent thing

thats a nice stone floor in the kitchen aswell weve got some turn over the years outta them oul places working at the demolition lol.

How much would a floor like that cost? If something similar came up i would possibly be interested...

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The floor has gone in the entrance hall and the dining room... Looks like a recent thing

thats a nice stone floor in the kitchen aswell weve got some turn over the years outta them oul places working at the demolition lol.


The floor has gone in the entrance hall and the dining room... Looks like a recent thing

thats a nice stone floor in the kitchen aswell weve got some turn over the years outta them oul places working at the demolition lol.

How much would a floor like that cost? If something similar came up i would possibly be interested...

depends where you go it sold in sq yards.why dont you take that one lol once you get the first 1 up the rest just lift easy .go round and bid the oul farmerboy fot it he can only say no.
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Just had a quick google, and found a forum dedicated to derelict buildings.


Endless threads and pictures inside of derelict buildings, f**k I could kill hours looking at this :icon_eek::icon_redface:



ime sure the tea leaves have a field day on that site.lol



How would you know that, Nans Pat ....?


That f**king " 28 Days Later " shit hole that someone mentioned earlier is the sewer of Urban Exploration. F**king Mod's there would ban anyone the moment they spoke.


Then it all broke down and the court case revealed the score. The entire 'Admin' lot were organising van convoys to " Explorations " where they'd work like ants, systematically stripping entire buildings of Anything!


They were making a killing on ebay. Anything from light switches to f**king fire places. Then some other c*** would visit and come back to scream from the roof tops that " Gypo's had been through. The site was now just a wrecked shell! "


F**king shit hole! RantyFace.gif


And That's who you have to thank, the next time you try to slip into some place and just take a load of photo's, and some c**t slams you up against the wall and calls the police ~ or a few of his mates!


Place 'Hob & Jill' mentions? http://www.derelictplaces.co.uk/ ? Cool. There they appear to adhere to The Code.

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