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A Quick Mooch On The Hill's

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  On 02/05/2013 at 11:01, Millet said:

I've been doing a bit of work on a farm and when i had finnished what i was doing i decided to have a hour's walk with the pooch..it was mostly rough ground with load's of rough grass..she quickly got the hang of using her nose and it was not long before she put 4 in the bag and with it being a bit warm and her not being long out of season i headed back to the car..she done good at everything but her retrieve was pathetic.. :cray: ..she brought everyone straight back to me but would she fook bring them closer than 10yr's.. :censored: ..i felt like throttling her but what can you do when they have just ran there heart out to catch them in the first place..

On a good note though i went for a walk local yesterday evening with a dummie bunnie and it was retrieved instantly every time...and as luck had it they was a mixy bunnie sat right out which she quickly bagged and retrieved straight to my feet.. :blink: ..i think a load of dummie bunnie work is in order for this summer.. :yes: .








whats duggy crossed with

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Nice one Millet & Lil..I wouldn't be overly fussed with the retrieve to be honest,it can be a ball ache if they retrieve ten yards away then spit them out still alive and have to recatch them but if they are dead or as good then it ain't the end of the world really although it can boil your piss at times lol..dummy,ball,dummy,ball,dummy ball..regular but not over done..saying that I've had dogs that would present a ball,dummy beautifully...a rabbit lol..come to my feet and start that head turning,with having a bolloxed back you can guess what the language from me was like haha...I ain't ever owned a faultless jukel..sometimes you just have to make the best of what you've got unfortunately..Atb Andy

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