TOMO 27,106 Posted May 2, 2013 Report Share Posted May 2, 2013 yep still got the desire,, :icon_redface: and still like to hunt..... 1 Quote Link to post
stewie 3,387 Posted May 2, 2013 Report Share Posted May 2, 2013 i`m on my way out started with russells when i was 12 yr old i`m 55 now ....had my first lot off a fella called alan dodds they stood around 11 1/2 inch deep tan and white smooth coated ended up with 6 could`nt tell them apart ... had loads of fun with them ratting and rabbiting and the odd fox -- moved on to bigger rough coated terriers in the 80s for the bigger quarry had the odd lurcher .. enjoyed the showing side of it aswell won 100s of shows over the years my first in 1981 the last in 2005 .i do the odd invite these days .... my current bunch of terriers are pensioners the oldests 14 the youngest 8 they`ll see there time out with me we still have the odd day on the rats ..i would`nt be able to do a working dog justice these days so i would`nt run a pup on would`nt want one just to look at and no other breed really takes my fancy .. since i retired i feck about with my hobby buying and selling antiques and i project manage the odd building job for a mate keeps me busy ..i started sea fishing a couple of year ago and when the times right we plan to move to the coast ....i take life at a slower pace these days if it gets done it gets done if it dont thers always next week.. no mortage bit of cash in the bank i`m in peacefull and happy place these days l,m 56 and get as much pleasure from watching a dog work as i ever did ,these days i tend toward quality over quantity and the desire for risk and adventure has ab a ted but i still love every single minute with the dogs . i feel like both of you and im only 31............ i honestly think i got into dogs to young........from the day i was born lurchers have been heavily involved im my dad has always had them, so did his dad, so did his dad etc then all the locals round here having them it was great as a kid growing up with these mighty hounds!! then going to gamekeeping collage in my teens i got the terrier bug and would think nothing of driving to wales just to go ratting......... RIGHT NOW id say ok i might not be a hardcore hunter out 8 nights a week..........but i no for a fact i got a bitch here thats as good as any ive seen.........and ive seen alot!!! no one will impress me with lurchers tbh and thats not being arrogant..........its just the way it is........ 1 Quote Link to post
stewie 3,387 Posted May 2, 2013 Report Share Posted May 2, 2013 also the bans worked no matter what people say...........before you could go out and kill shit with no its more fecking hassle than its worth..........shame but again its the way it is.......... 1 Quote Link to post
iworkwhippets 12,826 Posted May 2, 2013 Report Share Posted May 2, 2013 Been running dogs since i was 12 yr owd, all quarry, im 69 tomoz, still at it with my humble whippet LUV IT 8 Quote Link to post
the_stig 6,614 Posted May 2, 2013 Report Share Posted May 2, 2013 also the bans worked no matter what people say...........before you could go out and kill shit with no its more fecking hassle than its worth..........shame but again its the way it is.......... problem we found when the ban first came in was farmers and landowners wher`nt to sure on the laws and did`nt want you on the land at the time we lost a fair bit of permission to shooting lads ---- my mate cookie gave it bollox sold his 2 terriers --- couple of year ago we bought a lurcher which he kennels its nowt fantasic but gets us out .. 1 Quote Link to post
baw 4,360 Posted May 3, 2013 Author Report Share Posted May 3, 2013 It took me quite a while to figure out where i wanted to be in this hunting game of ours, i started out ferreting with a greyhound that hated ferrets, started taking the odd fox with a bull x with dubious recall, tryed my hand at terriers And eventually came to the conclusion i was happiest back where i started with 1dog and 1 ferret taking everything and anything as we mooched across the countryside lol, i wouldnt call it a thirst but a need... I am a smallholder/prepper at heart and hunting is a part of this need to be partially off the grid... And unlike the rest of you oldies im still in my 20's 20's I had you down as semi retired, honest lolPmsl, i feel old sometimes... Had you down as in your 30s bawI am, 30 and 139 months So 41 + 1/2 No fooling you kid eh Quote Link to post
blackgreyhound 206 Posted May 3, 2013 Report Share Posted May 3, 2013 started off with catapault. at 15 in a dog gsdxg bred dogs up to mid eighties started to lose my keeness hares were in short supply could not find enough to course .hunting ban made things far far worse .got bit by a deer tick caught lyme desease was knackerd tired underweight night sweats my fifties so very slow recovery then got bloody shingels.been out with my mates whippets started to feel the old urge to hunt .slowly powering back up to full power.never will be the game there was in the seventies.but hopefully will find something to chase.older and wiser more careful where i go and whaht i do .concealmeant and stealth is now the name of the game.cannot afford the bravado that i had in my youth .my time is running out so going to enjoy whahts left of it .more laid back now not to botherd about chaseing every thing that moves .just so sad over the ban and lack of game Quote Link to post
whippet 99 2,613 Posted May 3, 2013 Report Share Posted May 3, 2013 i dont know where im too .............but its fooking good being out with a hunting canine...... Quote Link to post
shaaark 10,946 Posted May 3, 2013 Report Share Posted May 3, 2013 started off with catapault. at 15 in a dog gsdxg bred dogs up to mid eighties started to lose my keeness hares were in short supply could not find enough to course .hunting ban made things far far worse .got bit by a deer tick caught lyme desease was knackerd tired underweight night sweats my fifties so very slow recovery then got bloody shingels.been out with my mates whippets started to feel the old urge to hunt .slowly powering back up to full power.never will be the game there was in the seventies.but hopefully will find something to chase.older and wiser more careful where i go and whaht i do .concealmeant and stealth is now the name of the game.cannot afford the bravado that i had in my youth .my time is running out so going to enjoy whahts left of it .more laid back now not to botherd about chaseing every thing that moves .just so sad over the ban and lack of game Kin el b g, you can talk sense! lol. Nah seriously though, you've made a couple of good points there, as have a few others. I myself have had to slow things down by quite a bit due to a couple of bad injuries which will be with me permanently, and also with the ban etc things are very different to what they were in the 70's and 80's. And not being far off your age the desire to go fecking about for miles for a bagful of rabbits, as per ban, aint happening, so got to be, sorry, had to be, extra careful if you wanted to catch other stuff. As with all politics, this government has f****d things up yet again, sadly the dog game is never gonna be the same. 1 Quote Link to post
Country Joe 1,411 Posted May 3, 2013 Report Share Posted May 3, 2013 I can remember years ago I could walk up the main road back to my Village, Dog in one hand Hare in the other, and get cars passing that knew me, giving me a wave, and a peep of the horn, changed days. always have been mainly a Rabbiting man, and to tell you the truth it doesn't bother me not being able to hunt the Hare. i now like to see them, but they are getting more a rare sight the dogs I work now are rabbiting jukels, but the ban has still affected me, i used to have permission on a nice bit of land great for a mooch, but runs next to a road, i lost this as the Farmer said if the dog did raise a Hare and it was seen from the road, then he would be in the bother, and didn't want any hassle. When you reach the latter years you appreciate your hunting days more, and numbers don't seem to matter. enjoy your sport while you can as they are not happy, with what they managed to stop, here in Scotland you now have to be registered to set a Rabbit snare, and if you are caught and not reg you will face a stiff fine or jail. Will hunting the humble rabbit with dogs be next on their list. . 2 Quote Link to post
the_stig 6,614 Posted May 3, 2013 Report Share Posted May 3, 2013 joe ----our pub on a sunday you could buy swop barter rabbits hares pheashants .. i used to go out with enough money for a pint --few rabbits few brace of pheashat bags of mushrooms -- used to come back had 3 pints--- big bag of veg off the allotment lads and a few bob in my pocket ..same pub now you cant even take your dog and sit in the beer garden .. 1 Quote Link to post
shaaark 10,946 Posted May 3, 2013 Report Share Posted May 3, 2013 What I can't understand is how the queen and royal family etc, who throughout history have hunted, fished,shot etc, have allowed members of parliament, house of lords whatever, to pass laws banning the very things, which along with alot of the population ,they've pursued and supported for generations. I just don't get it. Not being politically minded, what are other people's thoughts on this. Sorry for hijacking the thread baw, but I think it's relevant to your original question. 2 Quote Link to post
baw 4,360 Posted May 3, 2013 Author Report Share Posted May 3, 2013 What I can't understand is how the queen and royal family etc, who throughout history have hunted, fished,shot etc, have allowed members of parliament, house of lords whatever, to pass laws banning the very things, which along with alot of the population ,they've pursued and supported for generations. I just don't get it. Not being politically minded, what are other people's thoughts on this. Sorry for hijacking the thread baw, but I think it's relevant to your original question. Batter in mate, good question and wondered about it myself. Don't think they have the power to stop it anymore, just head figures 1 Quote Link to post
FUJI 17,328 Posted May 3, 2013 Report Share Posted May 3, 2013 Nearly the end lol...had a great innings at this old game,been lucky to have owned some handy dogs and one or two I'd like to think we're a tad better than that...holy shit I've put EVERYTHING in my life on the backburner at times all that is except my dogs,I still enjoy working the dogs and will continue to do so until my body says no days of lamping ten nights on the reel are just memories now,no kip for days on end,travelling to pick the previous nights "bounty" up and then heading out to do it all again lol...anywhere and everywhere that held game got the full treatment,probably why I couldn't envisage myself ever having the calibre of mutt I have owned in the past? I've had dogs confiscated,motors,gear,banned from areas,banned from keeping hunting dogs,fines,electronic tag BUT they can't take away the memories I have amassed over the years hunting with my lurchers :-) ...I ain't never had nothing BUT I have had a decent mutt or two I'm my kennels lol 7 Quote Link to post
baw 4,360 Posted May 3, 2013 Author Report Share Posted May 3, 2013 Nearly the end lol...had a great innings at this old game,been lucky to have owned some handy dogs and one or two I'd like to think we're a tad better than that...holy shit I've put EVERYTHING in my life on the backburner at times all that is except my dogs,I still enjoy working the dogs and will continue to do so until my body says no days of lamping ten nights on the reel are just memories now,no kip for days on end,travelling to pick the previous nights "bounty" up and then heading out to do it all again lol...anywhere and everywhere that held game got the full treatment,probably why I couldn't envisage myself ever having the calibre of mutt I have owned in the past? I've had dogs confiscated,motors,gear,banned from areas,banned from keeping hunting dogs,fines,electronic tag BUT they can't take away the memories I have amassed over the years hunting with my lurchers :-) ...I ain't never had nothing BUT I have had a decent mutt or two I'm my kennels lol f***ing excellent post Fuji :notworthy: Quote Link to post
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