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my tribute to my boys what do you think

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The cats done a whoopsie in my berre'


Hello Mr Plummer, sorry I meant Darcy, you would probably remember the whoopsie in your nappy when you got your 1st terrier 5 or 6 years ago.


Please Dont take the piss out of my name I was christened with this name, didnt chose it!



:clapper: dont take it too serious Frank.....:D:angel:

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I use hotmail and I have done for a few years....you boy (s) are using the same computer :D


You dumb b*****d :laugh:


I didn't think people were stupid enough to pull that shit these days....but I guess I was wrong :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:


Well done Stab's


Although it is amusing, best to know who you are dealing with eh.

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:clapper:M.R1 you crack me up you really do :clapper::clapper:


Ah. its all part of the crack, just like when your our in the field, the piss gets took out of me as much as the next person, gives us all somtheing to moan about, if there was controversy there would be no site, we would all soon get bored counting rosettes!


Good luck

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:clapper:M.R1 you crack me up you really do :clapper::clapper:


Ah. its all part of the crack, just like when your our in the field, the piss gets took out of me as much as the next person, gives us all somtheing to moan about, if there was controversy there would be no site, we would all soon get bored counting rosettes!


Good luck

Good on ya mate :toast::clapper:

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Hello Frank, is it really you? Must be your grand daughter doing ther IT! You have asked in another topic who I am? You know me fairly well, 1st met at Yorkshore show in 1989 or 88, I was showing a black terrier, you as you still are today was a specator and on my quick exit from the ring you passed comment about nice terier, looks like he works, what are you doing here! I was fairly young back then and it took another year before your wise and true words were accepted. I am as wise as you are now to all the phonies. If you still dont know me you met me on the David Davies hunt some 12 years ago when the terriermen who worked David Jones terriers went through either 5 or 6 terriers to try to get a fox from a sett, all failed even a old looking terrier named Benny. Russells hey. We have also been on several digs together, I will know if it is you, what colour are the trousers you wear when out in the field? Final clue, we have met several times at the Welsh Game fair and I was the 1 who beat you in Darts, and you a team player!


If it is you? Good to know you are about on the Net and I look forward to your comments as I know there will be a few show heads and people with skeletons in their cupboard who will be quite concerned "Franks about" bit like beagles about


Hey M.r1...how come you and Frank Spencer have the same I.P. address? :hmm:


ahh stabs you jumped in too quick ,i really wanted to read Franck Spencers reply to this :laugh:

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Edited by m.r1
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M.r 1 you have been exposed as a messer and one of that very strange bunch of people who actually invent characters to talk to and recieve conversations back on internet forums.

Maybe we will meet some day, and you can call me a tit to my face, you know the way men used to do before they started wearing their wifes knickers and causing shit behind the safety of their computer monitor. :boxing:


I repeat, you are a messer and keeping you active on this exellent site does no one any good.

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M.r 1 you have been exposed as a messer and one of that very strange bunch of people who actually invent characters to talk to and recieve conversations back on internet forums.

Maybe we will meet some day, and you can call me a tit to my face, you know the way men used to do before they started wearing their wifes knickers and causing shit behind the safety of their computer monitor. :boxing:


I repeat, you are a messer and keeping you active on this exellent site does no one any good.


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M.r 1 you have been exposed as a messer and one of that very strange bunch of people who actually invent characters to talk to and recieve conversations back on internet forums.

Maybe we will meet some day, and you can call me a tit to my face, you know the way men used to do before they started wearing their wifes knickers and causing shit behind the safety of their computer monitor. :boxing:


I repeat, you are a messer and keeping you active on this exellent site does no one any good.




Well, word t*t is for people who behave like 1, or talk like 1, take it what ever way you want! Look forward to meeting you, whats your area?

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