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Dangerous Dogs Act. Help.

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a young lad that i know has had his dog in his garden (thinking that it was secure) the dog, a staffie, has escaped from the garden and attacked and injured another dog. the police came and took the dog away under the dangerous dogs act. this lad is not a hoodie or anything, he is a 17 yr old lad that is committed to mixed martial arts training. he is very responsible. the dog has never done anything like this before. and it has never escaped thegarden. does anyone know of any help out there, or soliciters that deal especially with this type of incident.????? the lad knows that its his fault, and wants to put things right, but is devastated at losing his dog. any advice would be great. thanks guys

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phone 0844 844 2900, DDA watch. they specialise in dangerous dogs and banned breeds. KC papers mean nothing if they try to say its a pitbull type. Tell the lad no matter what the police say or do DO NOT SIGN A SINGLE THING!! Good luck

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Why did the police get involved? It's not a police matter unless a person got bit?


If the dog was not under control and has attacked another dog, it falls under the DDA and is a police matter.


The dog should end up with a police record and returned to owner. Unless it can be proved to be of "Pit bull type" which is a very grey area.

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Well when it happened to me it wasn't. I was walking my dogs and two dogs, a bull mastive and and bull dog had escaped and attracted my two dogs, the police wouldn't come out. They said unless a person is injuried its not a police matter. I asked my mate who is an inspector the next day, and he confirmed this.

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