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Smear Campaign Has Started Against Ukip.

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The domination of britain by the eu. Is killing this nation the. Pressure being put on are infastruture cannot be maintained and will colapse the three main partys are all pro euroupe In 25 year

It's the Labour voters that baffle me...what ever happened to a party for the working man? Labour turned in to the party for benefits and immigrants. The working man has much more at stake by who gove

not saying UKIP is going to change everything for the better and solve the nations problems,there a relative new party and yes they will stumble and they will make mistakes,but at f*****g least they a

By-election in South Shields should be interesting. UKIPs not just for disgruntled Tories like the papers keep repeating.


Bookies have UKIP 12/1 which is pretty damn impressive and they're looking to take 2nd place.

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ukip didnt get a good reception in edinburgh police escort out of the royal mile some in scotland dont want them in not good for them

A bunch of students most likely bussed in for the day. Their mouth pieces name was something like Max Crema, says it all really.

The majority of Scots I speak to would vote ukip if they had the chance.

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they werent students.they were SNP and in the 40/50 age bracket.


These aren't 40/50!




Paid wankers :yes:


Best quote - Mr Farage's attempts to flee in a taxi were foiled when protestors surrounded the vehicle and one woman rolled her wheelchair in front of it to stop it from driving away :laugh:

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