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Smear Campaign Has Started Against Ukip.

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The domination of britain by the eu. Is killing this nation the. Pressure being put on are infastruture cannot be maintained and will colapse the three main partys are all pro euroupe In 25 year

It's the Labour voters that baffle me...what ever happened to a party for the working man? Labour turned in to the party for benefits and immigrants. The working man has much more at stake by who gove

not saying UKIP is going to change everything for the better and solve the nations problems,there a relative new party and yes they will stumble and they will make mistakes,but at f*****g least they a

suspended one for giving a nazi salute.someone needs to tell them thats not the arm to do a nazi salute lol think the knife in his teeth didnt do him no favours.


Or maybe he was just reaching for his webcam? It doesn't even look like a proper Nazi salute.


Still there's no doubt that UKIP will attract people who "aren't desirable" but funny how the other three parties don't mind attracting BNP voters etc.


There was a full on campaign against the BNP in various parts of the country by Labour mostly...so it's ok for them to bring in ex BNP voters. Apparently both Lab and Cons have councilors that used to be BNP councilors.


UKIP has a policy of refusing membership to ex BNP members to prevent this kind of smear campaign...a policy that no other party has.


So far UKIP are handling themselves very well in this ridiculous farce...I think people see through the political correct rubbish of calling people racists just because they don't agree with them. The days of people running scared from this kind of abuse is pretty much over.

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ANYONE Who Doesn't Vote UKIP Is Either Wealthy/Banker Ect Or Stupid . . People Saying There Sick To The Back Teeth The Way The Country Has Gone The Last Few Yrs . . Yet They Still Vote For Either Con Or Lab . , Doing The Same Thing Time & Time Again And Expecting A Different Outcome Is The Sign Off Stupidity . . These 2 WILL NEVER DO what's Best For The NORMAL People Off This Country They've Been Allowed To Get Away With What They Want That They Believe There Bomb Proof . . Prove Them Wrong !!

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It's the Labour voters that baffle me...what ever happened to a party for the working man? Labour turned in to the party for benefits and immigrants. The working man has much more at stake by who governs the country. It will be him and his kids that bare the brunt of continued immigration. The wealthy will always get their kids in to the best schools and to some extent the middle classes can by buying houses in the best areas.


UKIPs policy on reopening grammar schools would be a damn good start and slamming the door on unskilled workers coming in to take jobs away especially from the young. These are two UKIP policies which should really appeal to the average man and woman on the street and I really hope that UKIP do well in the Labour strongholds.

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UKIPs policy on reopening grammar schools would be a damn good start and slamming the door on unskilled workers coming in to take jobs away especially from the young. These are two UKIP policies which should really appeal to the average man and woman on the street and I really hope that UKIP do well in the Labour strongholds.



Well they need to start leafleting and knocking on doors and working for every individuals vote.They need to get the megaphone out,and drive through all the working class communities.They need to make minj buses available to all those who find it difficult to get to the polling stations,instead of sitting on their arses expecting it to come to them!.

I hate George Galloway, but he knew how to run an old school rally to get his word out in his constituency.Then left the Labour and the Torys red faced,wondering how the f**k that happened?.

Edited by bwfc
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Guest ragumup


UKIPs policy on reopening grammar schools would be a damn good start and slamming the door on unskilled workers coming in to take jobs away especially from the young. These are two UKIP policies which should really appeal to the average man and woman on the street and I really hope that UKIP do well in the Labour strongholds.



Well they need to start leafleting and knocking on doors and working for every individuals vote.They need to get the megaphone out,and drive through all the working class communities.They need to make minj buses available to all those who find it difficult to get to the polling stations,instead of sitting on their arses expecting it to come to them!.

I hate George Galloway, but he knew how to run an old school rally to get his word out in his constituency.Then left the Labour and the Torys red faced,wondering how the f**k that happened?.

George galloway's a Muslim convert that's how he won .....http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=rv7aJHtsATg




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ukip is just the right wing of the tory party the only policy they've got besides having a vote on gettin

out of the EU is big tax cuts for the rich (40% tax bracket) which will remain the same but it will

incorporate their national insurance where as now they pay 40% plus the NI & the rest of us our tax

will rise to 25% & incorporate NI though how they will fund this they haven't said given that they want

to pay more to reduce the national debt they will have to make further swathing cuts just to reduce

borrowing. it's one thing to sit in opposition shouting i'll do this & i'll do that totally different doing it

when in power

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not saying UKIP is going to change everything for the better and solve the nations problems,there a relative new party and yes they will stumble and they will make mistakes,but at f*****g least they are listening to the electorate and dealing with the biggest gripe the people of Britain have.immigration. to me thats the main problem and ultimaetly the solution to a lot of the woes we have,British people before anycunt else is what they are promising and i have no reason to doubt farage on this.He is committed to it and i trully believe he is sincere.Lets put it this way his party isnt in the pockets of the f*****g big companies and uber rich,he does not govern this nation for the multi millonaires like labour and the tories ,oh im sure they will be putting thier claws into him if he gets any real power,and i honestly believe he wont sell out,well im banking on it.


as for the slating of the ukip candidate,yea its certainly not the type of behaviour you expect from your local councillor and thats exactly the type of behaviour i despise BNP for and if he is guilty then he should be sacked. however for the tories and lib dens to try and make an issue of it,well they have a short memory.its ok for thier politicians to f**k rent boys and commit perjury and go to jail.was a weak attack and thankfully joe public sees it for what


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ukip is just the right wing of the tory party the only policy they've got besides having a vote on gettin

out of the EU is big tax cuts for the rich (40% tax bracket) which will remain the same but it will

incorporate their national insurance where as now they pay 40% plus the NI & the rest of us our tax

will rise to 25% & incorporate NI though how they will fund this they haven't said given that they want

to pay more to reduce the national debt they will have to make further swathing cuts just to reduce

borrowing. it's one thing to sit in opposition shouting i'll do this & i'll do that totally different doing it

when in power


And with all these politicians talk of "fairness" what could be more fair than everyone pays the same with the lowest earners taken out of tax altogether?


Your politics of hate and envy is one of the things thats wrong with this country!!

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Left wing right wing i dont give a flying yak's shit They are anti euroupe and start the ball rolling to exit the biggest social experiment the west has seen since the roman empire that will do me , The NHS. Is collapsing around are ears are welfare budjest is being sent to every eastern european country and more to come. STAND UP AND VOTE THE COWARDS OUT AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD WELL GET THE FOOKING INK ON THE BALLOT PAPER UKIP

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Left wing right wing i dont give a flying yak's shit They are anti euroupe and start the ball rolling to exit the biggest social experiment the west has seen since the roman empire that will do me , The NHS. Is collapsing around are ears are welfare budjest is being sent to every eastern european country and more to come. STAND UP AND VOTE THE COWARDS OUT AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD WELL GET THE FOOKING INK ON THE BALLOT PAPER UKIP


Cracking post matey :victory::victory:

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