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Smear Campaign Has Started Against Ukip.

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The domination of britain by the eu. Is killing this nation the. Pressure being put on are infastruture cannot be maintained and will colapse the three main partys are all pro euroupe In 25 year

It's the Labour voters that baffle me...what ever happened to a party for the working man? Labour turned in to the party for benefits and immigrants. The working man has much more at stake by who gove

not saying UKIP is going to change everything for the better and solve the nations problems,there a relative new party and yes they will stumble and they will make mistakes,but at f*****g least they a

I would imagine UKIP will be put under the micro scope now, the big boys are worried... The good thing is for the last god knows how long the Tories and Labour have been performing their own smear campaign whilst in power, they are their own worst enemies..... It looks like it's kick up the ass time, at the very least...

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It was allways gonna happen,noticed it in the Sun,nearly every day theres some UKIP politician being labelled racist....a sure sign that somebodys cage has been rattled ,sincerely hope that the government takes on board the fact that a party like this exists,let alone grows apace....

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The domination of britain by the eu. Is killing this nation the. Pressure being put on are infastruture cannot be maintained and will colapse the three main partys are all pro euroupe In 25 years this nation will not exsist and the indigenous population will be an ethnic minority , Ukip are not perfect but look at the alternative. If you have never voted or will never vote again VOTE IN THE LOCAL AND NEXT GENERAL ELECTION ITS WAKE UP TIME

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I don't think we've got a local election but come the general election ukip have our vote from my house hold , and the other half is from the northeast who has always voted Labour . Likes already been said an upset is on the cards :thumbs:

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You've got to laugh,just seen Nick Griffin on the news "They (UKIP) only want to stop European Migration,they don't mind the 300,000 muslims coming here"....so just to clear this up....Tories/Labour say UKIP are racist,UKIP say their not racist at all.....and the BNP say UKIP are not racist enough......... :blink::laugh:

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What really angers me is that i have had nothing through the door for any parties.There have been no knocks on the door to secure my vote,nor have there been any cars driving around with a megaphone.Add to that the useless post office havent even delivered any voting cards for myself or any of my family members.Ive also knocked on several doors in the street and no-one has a voting card delivered!. :censored:

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What really angers me is that i have had nothing through the door for any parties.There have been no knocks on the door to secure my vote,nor have there been any cars driving around with a megaphone.Add to that the useless post office havent even delivered any voting cards for myself or any of my family members.Ive also knocked on several doors in the street and no-one has a voting card delivered!. :censored:


I thought the same thing until I realised we don't have elections here this time.


I'll just stand outside the polling station and remind everyone to vote UKIP. :D

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Its a good sign if the smear campaign has started , shows our political elite are seriously worried .Hopefully by the time the elections are over there will be a lot less old school snouts in the trough....it remains to be seen if the new kids on the block join the old guard. If they do we will all be fooked....VOTE UKIP...its our only chance...

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