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Big Cats - True Or Not?

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UFO's and big cats now we're talking.

they do blur them out,they hired paulus

A lot of house cats look like leopards when I'm stood by them.

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every year birds most of a size between a sparrow & a thrush get blown off course or lose there way

& some one sees them photographs them & gets the word out & twitchers all over the country flock

to see them this despite 90% of the country would struggle to name 10% of british birds never mind

foreign species yet plenty evidence clearly exists,yet in over 40 years no real hard proof phtographic

or otherwise has appeared & while not everyone would be able to identify different species i'm sure

if theysaw a leopard,panther,puma or such like they would know it was summet out the ordinary &

would report it & while a lynx or similar sized cat could maybe get by on rabbits,birds & such owt

bigger would be slaughtering sheep, cattle & deer on our farms all fenced in & nowhere to go such

easy meat, they wouldn't be able to resist yet we hear none of it & while there was a few releases

in the 70's i think they where either shot or died & imo there are none left

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There's plenty open land in the highland and large forestry blocks where there could be big cats and im no sure about the theory some have been shot and buried as they guys where worried about there fire arms cert

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There's plenty open land in the highland and large forestry blocks where there could be big cats and im no sure about the theory some have been shot and buried as they guys where worried about there fire arms cert


That, and you would have every f**ker wanting to speak to you / interview you for the local paper etc. etc.

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There is case of at least one lynx or something being shot,Was it a one of ,or more the fact that only the very wary would survive?

Plenty of sightings every year most are probably wrong but not all?

I Wouldn't be to surprised if there was a handful out there,The best video i saw was one taken by a copper on kinver edge i think.

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There is no where in the uk that isn't hunted or shot in one way or another, there isn't these vast expanses of untouched land as some seam to think.

I'd say that after the law came in one or two were about, but now?? I'd bet my last penny there ain't any form of big cats around In the uk..

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Not saying there is or isn't.

But like lurcher 1 says even if you know there there,You would still struggle to see one,I spent a week on a safari and seen one leopard,Thats with all the land rovers each with a tracker and radios.The thing that struck me the most is you can, have a 6ton elephant standing in front of you and it walks behind one little tree that wouldn't hide a fox and totally disappears.

IF there was a few big cats in the UK there would be so few they wouldn't nessarly have territories so would be traveling huge distances.

The packs of fox hounds would make you wonder if they could be there,but after xmas how many foxs sneak out of covers as soon as they hear the pack even trotting down a road to draw a cover?

On another note if i had proof of there being a big cat,photo video what ever ,would i make it public so every one with a gun or bullx :laugh: Could be out trying to bag it. :no:

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