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Air Arms S410 .22 Or .177 For Hunting ?

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I had a .22 gunpower stealth that was ok in .22 and did some great hunting with it, I had a .177 stealth too some years ago which was very accurate and also did me proud on many occasions but it never seemed up to most hunting situations and a lot of times straight through penetration had pigeons fly off then drop shortly after even with head and neck shots as max energy was'nt imparted to the vital area due to no pellet stop inside as .22's do...


I then got a new regulated buddy bottle from gunpower suited to .20 cal which i changed the .22 barrel to and then that gun was amazingly accurate and had all the hitting/ stopping power of the .22 but it shot flat like the .177, but got fed up with the fumbling single shot each time and got bored of waiting for the multi shot magazine for the stealth that they mentioned would be out in around 2010...........it never came so sold it and gave up for a short while other than the odd accasion i used my old springer .22.


I now am looking at the Air arms s410 which would be great in .20 cal but no such luck so just wanted your views on these rifles in the 2 calibres.




Deano :thumbs:

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Cheers for your comments, I always used ,22's in the past but have had a couple .177's but the just dont have the whack of a .22, my stoeger x 20 .22 springer is all i have at present but even that packs a punch and does great with the local squirrels all head shots only , but do miss a pcp, but recently checked out the air arms and loved them, having the stealth was great as it all fitted discreetly into my rucksack as i go to my shoots by bike so liked the air arms s410 tdr too for this exact reason.



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I've got a s400 in 22 and my mate has a s400 in 177 although we only shoot rats at the moment I've managed to kill everyone with my 22 and I love it not sure on the difference between the s400 and the s410 apart from the obvious but there may be a lot of difference never used a s410 so couldn't comment on them

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I had a s410 for years in 177 and loved it, it smashed everything I aimed at. my brother has it now and said he would never go back to .22. I however decided I wanted a springer again so got a hw9Tk in .22. I think if I ever got a pcp again I would get 177. good luck with your choice.

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