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Already had the media wing of the Labour/con/libs ( otherwise known as the BBC) saying its a protest vote for the clowns!!!........this is how little they think of the ordinary man.   The normal " i

I suppose we will have to appologise to Argentina next, we have had to applogise to everyone else for everything we acheived in our great history !!!   I happen to think that the people of the unite

Don't forget to vote UKIP on the 2nd of May.....lets get these so called " career" politicians OUT !!!

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Don't forget to vote UKIP on the 2nd of May.....lets get these so called " career" politicians OUT !!!

i think there might be an upset on the cards, everybody i know is voting ukip even those who have no idea why :laugh:

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It's going to be a right smack in the chops for the greedy pigs I can't wait. Just remember a no vote is a vote to keep things the way they already are so everyone should make sure people who normally can't be bothered get out and vote.


Then after the council elections there is going to be at least one by-election where UKIP have a real chance to win. In June there is the European Elections where UKIP might even poll first.


Fun times ahead

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UKIP are libertarian which means they favor minimum interference from the government on how we live our lives.


They are probably not going to want to comment on stuff like this at the moment

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UKIP are libertarian which means they favor minimum interference from the government on how we live our lives.


They are probably not going to want to comment on stuff like this at the moment


On the hunting act?


Their stance, to my knowledge, is that the hunting act is not working and has been and continues to be a monumental waste of time. Also hunting laws should be decided on a local level by local governments.

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Most of them aren't career politicians but they are starting to attract them....UKIP has had 30 council defections from the conservatives and also a liberal democrat ex mayor.


I think they appeal to all walks of life but especially traditional Labour voters. Who are the people being hurt by the open borders? It's the working class and tradesmen not rich bankers. It's not the kids of the rich that suffer when low skills foreign workers come over here and it is one thing that makes me puke. In the 'old days' kids leave school and get a crappy job for low pay. They aren't very useful but at the same time the employers are forced in to giving them a foot on the ladder because they don't have a choice...


Unlike today where 16 year olds are competing against 30 year olds from europe who have a family and are bound to work harder. Not because they are better or foreign but because they have have been at it longer and have a family who depends on them.


Our kids have been utterly shafted and with 20% youth unemployment there is no room for anyone else.

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Politics needs to change,the whole infrastructure.Ask the average joe bloggs on the streets and you get the same answer."crooked b*****ds,only in it for themselfs",and that attitude makes politics that only the clever work shy rich want to get involved.they honestly believe that they were born to rule and worse still think we need to be ruled.


This will continue aswell,until someone breaks the old traditions and makes politics appealing and that individuals can bring about change for the good of the ordinary man on the street.However we need to get the ordinary man in the street elected and shatter this old boy network.we need folk in parliment who actually know what its is to be skint and to lose a job.i honestly believe if we had such people in politics that we would see more things done for the voter,and there livelhood and housing put before profit.it would also have some reasoning and common sense.do you think joe bloggs would accept big businesses making billions and not paying tax. would he f**k.his roots and upbringing would not allow him to accept that kinda of thinking.

it would certainly boot parliment screaming into touch if we did have more normal working class folk in goverment.

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Its ukip for me this time......pissed of with the Tory,libs,& lab ....something needs to put a rocket up the U.K political system it might as well be ukip , they cant be any worse, they could be marginally better !!!

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