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An Unusual Job !! Well It's My First Of This Kind.

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Customer went quiet on this one last year, but now they are so fed up with the noise at night, they are begging me to shoot them. This time they have thrown another spanner in the works and told me that the next door neighbour likes the peacocks ( two females and a male ) and wait for it....the neighbour is a copper !! I can hear the old alarm bells going off !

They're not protected though are they ??

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Shoot um pluck um


Chuck some feathers on the coppers lawn and blame the foxes


Then chuck some fox shite on his door step


You might get another job to clear the fox for him


Or chuck a sandal on on his lawn n blame Abdul

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Peafowl aren't native to UK and aren't classed as Wild Birds therefore aren't subject to Wildlife & Countryside Act. However, Animal Welfare Act will still apply as to cruelty etc. It would be illegal to release them, but legal to own them, make sure they don't belong to anyone as they would be classed as property in the eyes of the law, and if you kill them it could be considered Criminal Damage.


Are they living on public land? If so then shooting out of the question. Trapping them and transporting could be considered cruel if certain organisations get wind of it.


If it was me I would leave it alone, it can't be worth the hassle you could get for just a few quid.

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