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Hahaha That got some reaction,,   Me and the missus have discussed it though. Whilst I am not totally against the idea of an independant Scotland I couldn`t stomach it with the likes of Salmond and

think you are rarther deluded if you think scotland will gain any power by opting out of the union i would think it would be far weaker. The problem is a little thing called the EU the power hungry m

Salmond is a f***ing idiot...Sturgeon is a c**t...Swinney is a retard...and we're f****d if they pull this off...Scottish politicians are the dullest, greyest, least charismatc, uninteresting politici

Dont bank on it hes now asking all the schools what there thoughts are on it as you will be allowed a vote you know . smarmy wee git he would go to the opening of a bag of crisps for the publicity

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Salmond is a f***ing idiot...Sturgeon is a c**t...Swinney is a retard...and we're f****d if they pull this off...Scottish politicians are the dullest, greyest, least charismatc, uninteresting politicians you'll ever see anywhere...just watch them next time they're on telly...Scottish politics show on a Sunday what a pile of shit...more get up and go in a corpse and more appeal in a cold bag of dogshit...Salmond looks like a mongol spacehopper...vote for them...wouldn't sully masel......... :laugh::laugh::laugh:...

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Fukin dreadin this


If they get it,, ah`m off,, headin South oh the border.

REALLY??????......Can it be that bad... :D

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I agree and im totally anti independence.let it all blow up in his f***ing face.yes he will have the oil and its revenue,but he will squander that on shite policies and kickbacks to all the promises and under hand deals.you can see the hawks swirling as we speak.That man couldnt run a bath never mind a nation.everytime i hear an snp politician speak of independence im still no further forward as to what there actual policies are.All you get from salmond is anti english bile,and everytime he is caught out or asked a dufficult question,he just gives that smug look and looks down on folk.id seriously love to punch him.

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