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Hows The Moult Going?

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my male harris still hasnt dropped any primary or tail feathers since his first at the end of march he is really late this year he had dropped a few by now this time last year. and the years before that. he has been being fed on mainly pigeon and the odd magpie, with chicks 1 day a week all supplemented with verm x. i recon its been the cold weather hopefully this warmer weather will make him get a move on. so how about yours dropped many or like mine being slow with the weather?

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its doing my head in goin in everyday and still seeing him with all the feathers, at least if he was dropping them i wouldnt be doubting whats goin on. verm x has always given me alot of confidence whilst moulting the bird although i got a brouchure stating that it decreases moult time but compared to when i havent used it im not convinced it does, however i do notice that his feathers have a more oily and silky look and doesnt dry as quick or damage as easy through the season

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