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Bit Of Advice Please

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Ok so after a good weekend down in norfolk at some of my permissions i come home to an answer phone message from my nan asking me to come a take care of some of her rats in her garden.

So the question is wots the best bait to get them out and is there any advise that you could think of what could help me?

I will be shooting at night with a safe back stop perimeter.



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I have had a rat problem in my garden mate dint want poison down as my dogs ferrets ect so I shoot um bait choice is endless shot 28 ish


Peanut butter

Chocolate spread

Bread that I have found best for me

Bird food



Any thing really but I did find um to get lamp shy very quick red filter helped for a while then they just would not come out so had to use nv mate good luck an good hunting

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  On 23/04/2013 at 13:21, Matt Cottrell said:

I have had a rat problem in my garden mate dint want poison down as my dogs ferrets ect so I shoot um bait choice is endless shot 28 ish


Peanut butter

Chocolate spread

Bread that I have found best for me

Bird food



Any thing really but I did find um to get lamp shy very quick red filter helped for a while then they just would not come out so had to use nv mate good luck an good hunting

Thanks pal ill give it a whirl
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I had some that were so educated with someone making them trap shy , they could lick the bait from a spring trap without setting the trap off.
Same little tw@ts tunnelled under a mink trap and licked the mix they could reach from under the trap and never went in the cage ! Even with a plucky bag on the trap.

So this is what worked a treat !
If there is a tree or a good fence post in the vicinity Mix peanut butter with oil, fish oil or veg oil.
Paste it on a quarter sheet of newspaper and let is set a bit so it's not dripping allover.
After that pin the paper on a tree base so the bottom is about 7 inches above the ground level, this makes them stand up and present themselves for a decent shot.


The newspaper ploy on the post worked along side the air rifle at the finish as they were really switched on to other stuff.


Thanks Steve

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Anything vaguely edible, as long as it has a strong smell and can't be taken all at once.
I use dog food, any gone off ham, peanut butter etc.
Bait for a few nights before shooting, should get them all at once then, because they'll be confident. :)

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Thanks for all your replys, sadley i waited up till 2.30am and not a single pep, so gunna give it another go on friday, use the penut butter aswell.


Anyway on a better note this little della pop on to say hello about 42yrds near the back of the garden and i couldn't resist:-)




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