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Guest long-tail

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if thats the case and you have tried all them things then something else is going on get your computer turned off and get down the vets

More going on with that dog than just grub, a vet is what it needs, should never be allowed to get in that condition

tripe, beef mince, brown bread, melt some lard blocks down and pour the warm fat over it

Guest long-tail
  On 22/04/2013 at 18:37, skycat said:


  On 22/04/2013 at 18:33, long-tail said:


  On 22/04/2013 at 18:31, Mixed Bag said:

Its underweight in the 2nd pic it has nothing on its back no covering on its ribcage and looks weak between the shoulders plus the coat is dull i would put more fat into the diet add something extra to bulk it up

two different pics,its the second bitch im on about,more fat in the diet to bulk her out.........suggestions please :thumbs:


Either get a complete food that is at least 25% protein and 16% fat: this is listed on the side of the bag of dog food, OR, get some breast of lamb (ribs and flaps). Feed her twice a day: two smaller meals are better than one big meal. She needs protein (meat or meat based complete food) to put on muscle, and extra calories (fat/carbohydrate) to bulk up properly. Also, when was she last wormed and with what wormer?


both bitches last wormed month ago

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  On 22/04/2013 at 18:36, long-tail said:


  On 22/04/2013 at 18:32, skycat said:

Not surprised someone dobbed you in: the condition of that bitch is a disgrace. Underweight doesn't even begin to describe her. You come on here asking for our approval. Take a long, hard look at that bitch and there is no way you can tell anyone, or yourself if your'e honest, that she is in good condition. Being in good, fit, lean condition is one thing, but that dog is a bag of bones.


Look at the way the shoulder blades stick up, and you can count all her ribs, not just the last two as you should be able to. Plus you can count every vertebrae in her spine. Get feeding that bitch now with some good quality food, not just any old cheap cereal based crap.

after advice penny not approval,if i wasnt honest and in two minds about her condition id never have asked would i,fed up piling barf diet into this bitch without seeing results but cheers anyway


The problem with barf feeding is that if you don't get the balance right the dog will lose weight. It's all very well saying that wolves, foxes etc survive very well on just game they catch, but dogs aren't quite the same as they usually expend much more energy, plus they are at our mercy as to how much we feed them.

Not enough fat will cause a dog to lose weight even if you are stuffing muscle meat, red meat into it like there's no tomorrow. If you are feeding raw (barf) try adding more fat: animal fat, not vegetable oil, and add some carbs: brown bread, rice, porridge oats.


Also, if the bitch is old: are you sure there is no underlying condition that is causing her to do badly even if she is getting enough of the right sort of food? Maybe worth getting her checked out by a vet in a couple of weeks if you can't get any weight on her despite adding either extras or more food. How much does she get per day and what exactly?

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  On 22/04/2013 at 18:33, long-tail said:


  On 22/04/2013 at 18:31, Mixed Bag said:

Its underweight in the 2nd pic it has nothing on its back no covering on its ribcage and looks weak between the shoulders plus the coat is dull i would put more fat into the diet add something extra to bulk it up

two different pics,its the second bitch im on about,more fat in the diet to bulk her out.........suggestions please :thumbs:



Feed the f***ing thing for a start...lamb breasts, ribs, beef, chicken, extra fat in the shape of normal everyday lard mixed with oily tinned fish, ie, mackerel, pilchards or sardines...tripe, chicken wings, caracases...good quality complete (not too much protein), pasta, veg, brown bread...jesus mate I could go on and on...small feeds 3-4 per day...worm it...running out of words here...Penny's right...that's in poor nick...FFS........ :icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek:

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Guest long-tail

ok iv taken pic off dont need 50 pages cunting me off penny seen it now thats good enough for me,she gets approx 3ib of food a day made up of all thats listed below

as borderscott says

lamb breasts, ribs, beef, chicken, extra fat in the shape of normal everyday lard mixed with oily tinned fish, ie, mackerel, pilchards or sardines...tripe, chicken wings, caracases...good quality complete (not too much protein), pasta, veg, brown bread...

Edited by long-tail
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