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How To Use Scope Effectively?

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Hi Gents


I Just got a new HW97k (.22), its awesome!!

I had a plink in the garden last night and was putting pellet on pellet, only over 15m but cant wait to get on to mates farm to try it out properly.


Anyway, it has a Hawke Sport 3-9x40 AO on it and to be honest I have not got a clue how to set it up to be most effective.

I have had a look on line at the manual for the scope and it does not really give much away.


Please could anyone advise what I should be setting Parallax and zoom at for zeroing and hunting with this scope in order to get the best out of it?



Thanks in advance!








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your pallarax should be set for the range you are shooting e.g. 30 yards to give a perfect crystal clear image. if you set it at 30 and loook at 10yds it will be blurry and same for 70 yards...


if after taking your shot at 30 you then need to take a shot at 23 yds it might be a bit blurry so you should adjust it to give a clear image again.


as for zeroing some people say put it on maximum magnification, and set the pallarax to the range e.g. 27 yards so you get the crystal clear image.


hope this helps. SKoT

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The thing that most fooled me when I got an AO mate is thinking my zero changes every time I used it to make it clear, it doesn't, your POI will only change if You zoom(if your scope is 2nd focal which I'm pretty sure it will be), therefor altering the AO can be done at any range to make the view more clear.

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It may not be strictly true but in reality first adjust the eyepiece so that your cross hairs are in perfect focus then leave that alone, it will never need to be altered for your eyesight.

Now you can think of the parallax adjustment as a means of bringing the target into sharp focus.

Something for you to try, it does vary from scope to scope.

Pick a distance to zero at, say 25 yards.

With the scope on maximum magnification shoot a few pellets and hopefully get a tight group.

Now change to minimum magnification and do the same.

If you are lucky the pellets will land in the same spot and you know you can change magnification without worrying about poi (point of impact) changing.

If the poi changes significantly you need to know how this affects your zero at different magnifications.

The chances are that you will spend most of your time shooting at 9x anyway so it becomes a bit academic.

One problem with some scopes (and laser range finders) is that they will not focus closely enough for air rifles.

A buffalo at 300 yards is not quite the same as a rat at 10 yards (smile).

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Dadiolas,if POI does change with mag,wouldnt it be better to zero at 25 meters on middle zoom say x6 on a 3-9 scope so POI of impact changes would be shared equal between low and high mags.


regards nick


That is a really interesting thought.

Frankly, I have no idea. I guess it is a case of try it and see.

I do like it when people think "outside the box".

It is the sort of issue that affects longer range shooting more than the shorter ranges experienced by air rifle users where the limited power tends to dictate that, rabbits for example, are only shot out to maybe 35 or 40 yards.

Later in the week I shall have a play and try and put your theory to the test.

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cheers buddy and i will work on typing your name correctly


hope to get my rifle in the next week or two,was going for a pcp,then had total change,going for a airarms tx200 hc springer,


i hope POI doesnt change,if it does then i would probably leave it set at one mag setting,cos trying to remember hold changes at differant ranges and holds for different mag settings could get tiresome,then it would be a waste of time buying a variable mag scope


regards nick

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cheers buddy and i will work on typing your name correctly


hope to get my rifle in the next week or two,was going for a pcp,then had total change,going for a airarms tx200 hc springer,


i hope POI doesnt change,if it does then i would probably leave it set at one mag setting,cos trying to remember hold changes at differant ranges and holds for different mag settings could get tiresome,then it would be a waste of time buying a variable mag scope


regards nick

look at the 10x fixed zoom mtc viper, heard nothing but good reviews about them. massive turrets put me off tho lol. more of a hft scope than a hunting scope lol


. as far as im aware your middle cross is always bang on at any zoom level..?

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