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Its That Time Of Year Agian.

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Yo! airgunners, its that time of year again, the ferrets are knocking each other up, and if you were a ferret, so would you. So that leaves us with the problem of thinning Summer rabbits, which is no bad thing, the weather's warm and sunny, and why would'nt you want to be out and about. Rabbits here are showing in good numbers now, half and full growns are chasing each other round doing the wild thing, their like Gremlins here, once they get wet babies explode everywere. So yesterday evening saw me arive at some large cattle barns a couple of miles up the road from me, which is handy if I only have a small window of opertunity. Before I left home I swapped the NV550 for a day scope, the Hawke 3-9x50 Nite Eye being my choice of the day, I'd had it on my HW77 when I thought my older scope had broken, but couldn't get it set up, bent barrel being the villan. So on to the HW100KT it went, I found a nice clean patch of grass on the paddock, of which most was muddy or covered in cow sh*t. A quick sientific test to check the wind direction (a handfull of grass) and off I went to set out targets at 30, 20, and 10mtrs. First shot was at the 30mtr target board, swish! and no whack. Oh bo***cks! A bit of a back track is needed I think. Next shot was at the 20mtr target, and that only just took the corner off the bottom of the board, but at least I hit it. A quick twist of the turrets saw me on the middle of the board, and with in five shots saw me bang on center of the 30mtr board, sorted. As I walked towards the 30mtr board a rabbits jumped up and did one into the ditch behind the cattle sheds, dont know how it managed to stay put with pellets flying over its head, must have been deaf. Onwards and upwards as they say. I walked towards the cattle barns with the intention of knocking of some of the rabbits that hang around them, problem is that they burrow under the concrete floors, which as some of you lads know can be a bitch if you have to wait for ferrets to surface if they get stuck underground with a bitter wind in your face, dont think the landowner would appreciate me digging holes in his concrete floors with a Kango. It soon became obvious that my 70ft shadow was going to make things a little awkward, to say the least. After turning the first few sunny corners I got the feeling that rabbits should be sat there, and that my shadow had spooked them badly, so plan B was formed, try to stay in the shadow of the buildings, so with the sun on my back, and in a stealthy manor, I crept round the next corner, oh yes, a fat doe sat up to chew a 6 inch peice of lushious green grass, which it didn't get to finish, whack! and over it went, peed, paunched and hung, and off I went in search of another victim, and that didn't take long, there was another sat next to a pile of pallets, whack! victim number two lay spanked on the floor, picked up and sorted, I was ready to move on, but just then my leg started to vibrate, a lovely feeling if your in the mood, but this was only my phone ringing, I knock the sound of when I'm out. A quick hello revealed the caller, it was the landowner, have you got time to look after another feild he enquired, Yeah! of course I can, I'm like a crack head when it comes to new land, I try to say no, but I just cant, so arrangements were made for a meet, a quick photo session for you folks, say cheese! and I'm in my truck and off. The end of day pick looks like this.




Keep at them you lead flingers :D

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nice one bud there a good size an healthy,i need to get down to you at some point so i can help whack some with you,i had a hare 2 mate will put it up later,great shooting bud see you soon.





Your always welcome mate, but bring plenty of sun cream :D

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