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17 Remington

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I will be putting in a variation in soon for a centrefire, and I quite like the look of the 17 rem, has anybody had experience with this cal, for instance even though it is a very fast round how does it cope in strong winds? Any info would be very welcome


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First time centre fire, is not the time for 17Rem.

Obviously its your choice but my advice is stick to the 'norm', 17Rem is nothing particularly off the wall,

but as a guide ask your gunshop 'what ammo have you for 17Rem in the shop now' and 'have you got brass, bullets,

etc' I bet the answer is NO sir, but I can get it in #### undisclosed weeks/months.

If your permission(s) is/are centrefire ok then for a first timer the .243 is a benchmark calibre, plenty of zip for varmints

and deer legal on 100gr bullets too.

Save yourself until you have some centrefire miles on the book, then 'like me' you can go as mad as you like.


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I will be putting in a variation in soon for a centrefire, and I quite like the look of the 17 rem, has anybody had experience with this cal, for instance even though it is a very fast round how does it cope in strong winds? Any info would be very welcome



What do you want to do with it?


This is not a common calibre for good reason, and as a first time centrefire there may be others better suited for your requirements!

Edited by Deker
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A .17 rem is an awesome little varmint round capable of 300 yards plus on foxes ect,but as said it might be hard to get ammo,if its a first time cf I would go .222 it is a fantastic calibre from crows and foxes to small deer,very easy to reload,and one of the most accurate .22cf rounds out there,and will kill foxes cleanly at 250 yards + and becouse it is not quite as popular as the .223 these days,some good bargains can be had,if I was buying a .22 cf the .222 would be my first choice everytime.

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thanks mate so is 222 ammo as easy to get as 223?

Absolutely,it is a cracking round,and if you reload it, one of the most accurate .22cf rounds out there,get a nice cz heavy barrel or similar and you will have a top class vermin round,that is also very capable on roe(Scotland)and Muntjac and cwd in England and wales,you will not be dissapointed with a .222 mate.
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