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The netting game


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Right Lads / Lassies, personaly ive been longnetting from the age off dare i say it !!14!!teen! not for profit but just to be taken under another Old stadgers wing,, .. I Learned at that early age to respect your Elders,, and to this day i still take heed of the past,, What iam getting at are the different methodes the netting game is recieving at prsent,, tradditional/preset!!!!!!!!! lets face it the old ways of the net will allways be practiced,, its this fastnet thing thats doing my head in !!!!!!. I have personally had a feel of these so called be end all baskets ( not in a killing mode ) i may add,, but from the feel and compared to one or two of the other baskets the difference is like night and day... Right i aint getting personall here but The masterhunter set up was reviewed in one of the tabloids by a certain Ferrerting Lad,, this lad as far as iam led to believe particepates in a bit of rabbit control,, Now i aint a Tabloide reader,, and i never read the full s.p.!!! but i wil do !!!!!!!!! the mate says he will pass the mag on to me,, know then is there nobody on this forum who has actually read this comment ? i doubt it!! but i will read it and i still find it very strange that nobody has comented on the this/that/andTom/Dick'n Harry's Basket !!........... He basically said the Masterhunter set up is shite!!!!!!

is this comment viable? or it is it just tit for tat !!!!!!!! maybe Alan can set (excuse the pun ) clear ???????????

all the best!! an old fashioned Bugger !!!!!!!!!

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No matter what set-up it is there will always be someone to slag it...its the same in everything hunting related. People will slag things off they havent even seen in the flesh...i guess you just got to see the items for yourself before forming an opinion really... JD :yes:

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im i the only one who's not quite sure what the feck nettriger is on about. just red it three times .


i think you better coment on the said newspaper article after you have red it for yourelf.


and if its in a newspaper why leave out names . TOMO :blink: CONFUSED

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Well the glossy mag is a weekly issue,, read by god knows how many,, hopefully i will have the said article at my disposal later on tonight,, if and when i read it from start to finish i will quote word for word,, the lad who contacted me regarding this article is a dab hand at the netting game, Personally i find it strange that no one else has passed remarks of the said article regarding netting techniques!! especially when its old news.. Personally i thought it was a valid point to bring up for debate,, after all theres a helluva lot of these preset nets doing the rounds, .So which methode is better than the next ? thats what makes this querie interesting! imo..

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Long netting, youve gotta love it :whistling:


Ive read the article and i find its ok to voice your opinions on a mans kit as long as its only the kit your slating. Its the first part of a 4part set i believe so we will have to see whats said in the next few weeks.

Things were said about the failings in the kit he was using, that as it maybe its down to you as the netter to either change what you dont like about it or look at other kit better suited to that method. the main vain of the article was that there is a lot of commercialisation creeping into fieldsports, with kit being sold for a fast buck rather than the abillitie of the kit to do the job so buyer beware. sadly a lot of companys now sell kit aimed at fieldsport but the salesman doesnt have any knowledge of the methods involved with the kit hes selling.


Bottom line of this thread penned by netrigger is i believe, to highlight a persons views ( the articles auther) on peoples ideas of what is usefull kit to the netter. of course its down to the netter to find what works for him and hopefully not get stung on the way. Maybe its a bit controversial to pen an article slating someones kit, especialy when this kit is sold on a commercial basis, but of course its the auther that needs to worry if he or she is being a little bit too contrversial or maybe voicing his own opinions a little too loudly or strongly. Of course its good to debate a mans views and exchange your views on any given subject, but to what cost?


Sadly with the advent of the internet and with it forums such as this, the world has become a much smaller place. this brings with it the fact many personalities meet, exchange views and possible clash along the way. Fieldsports has allways been a compertition to some of its followers and this as netrigger has said can lead to a playground mentality of a tit for tat, possible. :hmm:

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Hi everyone...just my tuppence worth..


I have to say that it must be very confusing for anyone considering having a go at the longnetting game these days...when I first started we had two choices...end pins and hazel...or...hazel and end pins...you,re choice. Suddenly we were made aware of a different way to do things via the Trapline video. That was for me personally. Then, on the scene came the baskets...which for me upped my game. Also the way I still net today.


Unfortunatly, along the way "commercialism" crept in. Commercialism may have been a Godsend to those unable to make there own gear but, unfortunately the "I ,ve got a better system than yours" form of commercialsm is now all too evident.


And here,s the best bit of all...YOU CAN BUY THE CHEAPEST OR THE MOST EXPENSIVE BIT OF KIT ON THE MARKET...IT WILL NOT HELP YOU UNLESS YOU FIRST GRASP THE BASIC FUNDAMENTALS OF THE GAME. You can yap all you want on forums like these, you can watch as many dvd,s as you like...hell you may even come up with a UNIQUE lol...method of learning the trade...it won,t count for jack sh-t unless you get out in the field and LEARN.


Then there,s the hype...arr the hype, the hype...remember that really crap gameshow..."I,ll name that tune in five...Well I,ll name it in four...blah blah blah" It,s now being relived! I,ll set my net in so many minutes....guess what i,ll set mine even quiker then...before we know it we,ll have a net that will be set before we even leave the house!!!


I speak with several other night time netters on this board and I think we,re pretty much all agreed in that you should SET AT A PACE THAT THAT IS COMFORTABLE TO YOU...I worked out many many moons ago that [ and I,m pretty fleet of foot] that i would come a very poor second to the rabbit if I try and beat him to the hedge!!!


I can see where you,re coming from Netrigger.


Regards mapreader

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